This has taken over a year of not having time to go to the cinema Christmases family incidents & new jobs to finally get around to watch this film. Me & mum were going to see it last Jan but things took over. So I’m now here waiting for her & dad to sort out our hot water in the house another 5 mins can’t possibly hurt can it? Make that 10… Nope 15 now it’s starting to get chilly now might have to get a hot water bottle in a min. Mum’s even asked about the running time iv told her & she’s gone yea that’s about right. Should have picked a different film now could be half way through it.
24 minutes after putting the film on we started watching it… & i wasnt disappointed. I spoke earlier about spy films being irritating but to quote this film, this aint that kinda movie bro.
Mum did have one complaint Jack Davenport said all of 10 words & was dead… I kinda agree with her too, what a waste of a sexy voice. However the covering up of all the body’s as the boss hates blood is brilliant.
So lets start with the star of the film… Mark Strong. Bear with me on this. Its his story he loses friends then gets demoted to spec & tech guy as he can’t do it anymore. Then has to train the new kids, which he doesn’t like doing & moans at them for getting it wrong, before he realises they are the hero’s & helps them to defeat the bad guys but does most of the hard work himself… See it’s his film what a roller coaster. Hrs the real hero & completely nails it. Its going to be weird watching him in the brothers Grimsby though, but he’s such a good actor I doubt I will.
Michael Caine is now the authoritative elder man who’s in charge of everything now in films, not that there’s a problem with that but it would be nice for it to be someone else every now & then. Christopher Nolan type cast him by Doug such a good job as Alfred in bat man. It’s nice that he gets his comeuppance for once. Proof being in charge doenst mean I happy ending.
Colin Firth kicking the Shit out of people is something we should see more often. Manners really do makeith the man. He is amazing & puts on one hell of a show.
Samuel L Jackson nails the bad guy, but I couldn’t get over his lisp tho yes it gives the character another dimension but in an over the top spy film he didn’t need one. The fact that he’s scared of blood is surely enough. He plays it’s so well and over the top that you do actually think he may get away with it & destroy the world. I think we should all worry about billionaires with time on there hands they are all plotting to kill us.
It is Taron Egerton movie tho & he does brilliant as the lead. He brings out the best & worst bits about being British really. The Parachute thing, yes hes an actor and hes not going to die, but i really did think oh my god. What a moment of film. His defining moment is calling his little pug JB not after Bond or Bourne but Jack Bauer. oh yes man after my own heart.
All those heads that blow up as fire works are brilliant, so cool. What a way to do that, however every powerful person in the world agreed with it so whos in charge now as they are all dead.
The club scene haha, surely they should have worked out all wasnt what it was seemed to be. Nope they didnt think that through. & that train i was waiting for an inception moment.
Im so happy i finally watched this film, it was just brilliant. Apparently they are making another one, i hope its as good.