Get ready to have your mind fucked over about 37 times, minimum.
People moan about DiCaprio not getting an Oscar ever, but how Jake Gyllenhaal let alone wasn’t even nominated for one, let alone win it baffles me so much. What did Eddie Redmayne and the other 4 nominees do last year that was greater than this. (i do plan to watch the theory of everything by the way & i have birdman to do to). I think im just in shock. Its the stand out performance for years since DiCaprio in wall street, and nothing, not one thing. Im gutted for you Jake you deserve so much for this film.
Hes not a very nice person. Completely weird I wouldn’t want to work for him. Even if I desperate. Yes at the end of the day he does become successful but at what cost. He burns all of his bridges with friends & colleagues.
Its the fact he doesn’t help any victims, yes there dead but you know. Also he traps his competition & takes them out & then leaves his colleague to die it’s just mortally wrong & does make me feel sick & guilty, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
If I’m honest none of the characters are at all likeable, you don’t root for any of them ever. Maybe that’s what makes it a good film. Noones a true villain but there is no hero.
This film is do difficult to review. It’s so sick & twisted that you sit there & go how can I describe this to someone who hasn’t seen it & the answer is to go & see it. Then you can discuss it with them.
I think I may stop this review here. It’s such an amazing film you need to see it to realize how especially fantastic it is. What a film seriously watch it people now.