I need to point something out before we start this. Today is December 21st it’s likely we will watch elf on the 24th so I am writing this review before I watch it so it can be published on Christmas day.
Elf is a recent Christmas tradition in our house. About 6 years ago I was at home bored so I decided to see what was on our limited planner & it said watch Will Ferrell get festive as Santa’s little helper. so as a Will Ferrell fan I watched it. & then made my sister watch it 2 days later… And the rest is history. My mum became obsessed who then got her teacher crazy about it at school,she is now a head & they have elf day instead of Christmas party. Even my dad watched it last year for the first time & actually asked last week when we were watching it this year. So yea it’s taken over our lives a bit.
So basic plot summary Buddy the elf falls into Santa’s bag while at an orphanage & ends up in the north pole. He is raised by elf for his life until one day he over hears someone saying he’s human. He then decided a couple of weeks before Christmas to travel to New York to meet his real dad who happens to be on the naughty list. While in New York he brings cheer & Christmas joy to everyone’s lives. It ends up after a large falling out with his dad that he saves Christmas & helps Santa deliver all of the gifts across the world.
Will Ferrell is amazing as Buddy. He is so cool & hysterical. I’m not sure anyone else could have played Buddy any better. Hrs so childish & excited & exaggerated. It’s truly brilliant. It’s also so funny to see him with all the elves & he’s like 6ft7 especially with the tights & shoes.
James Cann is Buddys real dad Walter. Hrs a properly miserable basterd & it so works. He properly in the grinch but does it to get ahead in life & get as much money & profit as possible. His 360 turn is lovely tho, we will get to that in a bit.
Zooey Deschanel Jovie is sweet but is very synical like the rest of us about Christmas. She’s had enough of life & is just trying to get through the holidays. But Buddy takes her on a proper fairy tale of new York & shows her how amazing her life can be.
Ok it’s now the 24 weve watched elf this morning & for the first time ever my mum cried at it & nearly set me & my sister off as well.
Will Ferrells one liners are good here’s just a few.
I’m just a cotton headed ninny muggins
Son of a nutcracker
Sorry I put 11 cookies in the vcr
You sit on a thrown of lies
He must be a south pole elf
Buddy the elf what’s your favourite colour?
I’m an elf well a human raised by elf
Do you want to you know *wink* eat food
And my favourite
Santa omg Santa’s coming I know him I know him Santa I now have elf pjs I will be wearing tonight after all Christmas comes but once a year
The snow ball fight with Michael is brilliant. I would so want to be apart of that. Those kids aren’t Shit either they are really good just they didn’t think of buddy did they. The platoon ending is good to where he times the flight perfectly. It’s also cool that Michael has made just 1 perfect ball & buddy has 500.
Random cameo of the whole film are the animated characters on the north pole. My sister properly laughed at Leon explaining what kind of cloud he originally was as a geographer. I nearly paused the DVD so she could stop. But the puffing polar bear & walrus are cool all waving & crying that he’s off. & then they run off as they get scared by none other than Mr norwal who says bye. Which is really sweet but we always love that bit.
How did they cut that tree down & get it into there flat before anyone noticed? Also that putting the star on the tree is brilliant. Just a shame that the actor who plays Michael has to remain nonchalant to the whole thing. How many takes did it take to do that?
An elf diet is surely everyone at Christmas. Candy, candy canes, candy corns & syrup. It’s also funny when he’s in the mail room & thinks the booze it syrup & then gets pissed & starts dancing, with the guy on day release from prison. Coffee does taste good with syrup & booze.
Peter Dinklages Miles Finch is brilliant. Who’d have thought that a peach on a farm could be so vulnerable? But it’s a brilliant fight between him & Buddy who’s just being nice to him or so the thinks. It’s just hysterical. It does set up a brilliant ending as Walter disowns Buddy as he ruins his life.
The best way to spread christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear, it really is and its so sweet. The fact the Jovie faces her fears to stand up and sing in the middle of central park to a large crowd & just sing. The step mum is the best bit as she cant sing maybe thats a trait that all Emilys have… as i cant sing.
I think im going to leave the review here, expect this to be updated around next christmas, its now January 2nd and i havent published this so im sorry that none of you feel festive anymore. I may update this over time but for now this is what you have.
This film truely is magical for all age groups, it doesnt offend it just brings everyone together, which is really what Christmas is about.