I chose to watch this bond as my sister didn’t want to watch anything to complicated, or anything Bourne, or anything Marvel… so i picked this and turns out she hadn’t seen most of the film before…just the last 20mins news to me.
So Brosnans’ Bond with the help of Denise Richards (before she became Mrs Charlie Sheen) Dr Christmas Jones (Christmas only comes once a year, is possibly one of the worst end lines of a bond film ever) need to stop Electra King & Renard from nuclearing Istanbul all for the good of a pipe line.
Robert Carlisle’s Renard is very spooky and creepy. He was supposed to be assassinated, which, like in most films, it failed and now he cant feel anything including pain, so he goes on a suicide mission taking everyone out with him. Cue kidnappings, stealing nuclear bombs and submarines. Typical day for a Bond baddy really.
What i want to know is all those Hench men in the sub, did they know they were going to die when it went nuclear on Istanbul? or did they think they would somehow be saved. Brainwashed or foolish but nether the less still stupid to go.
Also let say they do blow up Istanbul, one Bond quiet right no one would believe it was an accident & she would be charged with mass murder & possibly given the death penalty, two she was leaving her flight out of Istanbul very late, is she sure she would have gotten out of the blast zone, and three, which is the most important, where would Liverpool have won the 2005 champions league final?!?!?!?!?! yea exactly thank god for Bond.
M is not a very good boss is she. She believes the doctor clears bond and its all correct, much to Moneypennys disapproval and sarcasm. Then she doesn’t really give Bond a brief, which he deviates from. Then when she turns up all hell brake lose & she gets kidnapped by the baddies. Thank god film villains are so stupid and leave a clock for her to get to turn on the bomb tracker that Bond forgot he gave her. Otherwise it would be a very bad end. Any how back to my point. Everyone wants her dead turns out Bond is the only one who can actually tolerate her at all.
Robbie Coltrane & Goldie, are just hysterical. The fact that Goldie is such a bad double crosser makes it more fun for everyone, but lines like cant you just say hello like a normal person & we may not have a roof but we still have 4 walls before it all collapses followed by the insurance company is not going to believe this.
Yesterday i went to Bond in Motion in London, its an exhibition which i didn’t actually need a guide book or tour guide for, and they the Aston which is cut in half by the helicopter with the saws. They then had a model of the car to scale next to a copy of the helicopter with all of the saws, omfg in real life it must be fucking huge. But what a scene though so iconic, but as Bond would say Q is not going to like this.
Which brings us on to the sad part of the movie it was Desmond Llewellyn’s last appearance as Q bless him, which a couple of months later he actually died 🙁 John Cleese R is being made into his replace suited with a coat that expands in an avalanche, which is really useful later on.
We also have an epic chase through London on the Thames which takes you through the tower, cuttysark & the city before we get to the millennium done (what a waste of money that was bet it will never work & that it will never become the worlds greatest music venue) it’s a brilliant chase though.
It’s a good bond film but it’s getting a bit cheesy for the Brosnan series now. But it’s properly cool. Licence to entertain.