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You aren’t missing out on a review btw Quentin Tarantino originally planed on this being 1 film, also I only have this on bluray someone gave me it for Xmas & the only machine that plays them is in the lounge so I have to wait for everyone to be out to watch them.

So for those with no idea A bride & wedding party are murdered she survives & wakes up 4 years later with no baby from a coma & bids revenge on those involved & her mentor & lover Bill, who you don’t actually see until volume 2.

Pai Mai is my favourite person in the entire film. What a cool ninja Buda marital arts guy. I love him. He speaks no English & is like older than yoda. But my God I wish I had his wisdom. After being a bit of a git to start he does end up as the other hero of this film with his methods in effect throughout the film without really realising it.

Uma Thurman characters name isn’t revealed until she’s buried alive, her alias are said but not her real name. But if you look closely enough on her plane ticket to okinahwa it says it on there. Bad Tarantino boo.

Would you want to be buried alive erm no way pepe, therefore the fact that she panics like everyone else would do despite being an assassin.

Hattori Hunzo & his sushi shop masking over his real life’s work for making the swords is so quirky & odd, but it would be the kinda thing that would happen. I like the fact that not only does he go against his vows to make the sword to kill Bill, but he also says if you should meet God on your travels he will be cut by the sharpness. His assistant who makes the tea is cool too, maybe he has a point that he would be a general if they were in the army.

Lucy Liu has a cool story. Half of it is in cartoon manga, & the rest of it is extremely bloody & eww. The way she chops off the blokes head & then stands there holding his head screaming & then says so you can all see how serious I am I’m going to say everything in English now. Her death is cool too the fact that you can see her brain quiver & her hair h scalp fly off.

Your name is buck… Right… And you like to fuck… RIGHT! just wrong on so many levels & he has a fucking pussy wagon. Wiggle your big toe is now what I tell at my feet when I lose circulation.

The crazy 88, well there not actually 88 of them they just call themselves that as it’s cool. They are shit completely shit, she should have got a better army even charlie Brown would have put up a better fight. GoGo is brilliant & they guy in the mask but still they were no match.

Michael Madsen wakey wakey eggs and bacy budd is so stupid. He had it coming the fact tho that he does manage go fool the whole world that he sold his sword for about a grand 8 odd years ago. He deserves the death via snake, but I couldn’t think of much worse, except maybe losing both your eyes.

That being said Darryl Hannah killed pai mai & had 3 attempts at killing the bride so she deserved to lose her eyes hehe. I just like the fact she’s left in the caravan alone wondering what’s happening as she can’t see I’m guessing the snake gets her in the end.

The final show down does take a dramatic twist when she not only finds him happy & waiting for her but that her little girl she was pregnant with is a live & kicking h shooting & killing fish. Once again tho after some family time dinner truth serum a superman analogy & some over reacted parts, the fight starts.

Cue Pai Mai 5 point exploding heart trick which he only taught her h she kept a secret out of respect bye bye bye Bill, why he didn’t just sit in that chair tho.

Also that poor kid after never meeting her mum her dad is then killed. that kids going to need some counselling.

I love these films as you can see from my review. Well done all involved. Proper blood & gutsy.Hope you all find this as 2 good reviews rolled into one like the film.

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