0 5 mins 6 yrs


I’m going to say this now so no one judge me or my review…THIS IS MY FAVOURITE HARRY POTTER BOOK & FILM there iv said it.

I was so glad when i first saw the film & it took nearly a day to watch. I was so happy they didn’t miss out too much from the books maybe Harry & Ron’s fights could have continued for longer but my God did it get the rest of it almost spot on without having to be split into 2 films.

I’m with Jack Whitehall that I feel emensley happy when Cedric (rpatz) dies. He then becomes this other vampire Edward thingy. But his character even before we knew who the actor was, was very sodden & boring he needed death just to get a life.

Hello to Jason Isaacs! King Death Eater who turns up twice making everything so much better.

But not as much as when Ralf Fiennes turns up as Lord Voldemort. My sister came home when I was watching this & started yelling he’s m in bond & he’s too posh to be voldy I can’t cope before going to get beer & a snack. I do love him in these films. Hrs the correct amount of evil, there aren’t many villains you do want to completely fail but voldemort is one of them & that’s because Fiennes plays him properly.

Snape in the study hall basically does child abuse on Harry & Ron. Yes I know they are meant to be quiet & studying & it boarding school but come on. Some of his looks & remarks at the 2 of them are Gruber esk (see die hard when I get to it{or robin hood}) his polyjuice bit & then when he finds out Harry hasn’t been drinking it is classic too.

When a footballer at school gets good enough for there club they leave school don’t they, or have a tutor… But no in the wizarding world international quiddich star Victor Krum still has to not only go to school, but has to go on an exchange trip? bit off don’t you think. Also how do u pick which kids go to the new school for the year, is there anyone left at the old school, also who picks who’s the host school & who are the away teams. Seriously not good. & parents are happy for their kids to fight to the death.

Gary Oldman is back for all of 2mins in a fire place. He did have a bigger fish to fry in batman begins I guess, don’t know what happened to that franchise…

Other cameos come from Warwick Davies, David Tennant & an actual proper cameo from Jarvis Cocker.

Emma Watson’s Hermione coming down those stairs in that dress is the moment they all stop being kids & become adults. The characters inner beauty is finally revealed on the outside, and makes the whole school go to quote Ron Bloody Hell.

Dumbledore at one point tells Harry there is no spell that can bring back the dead… Bullshit he clearly didn’t read on to a few books time then again the unhappy event of 6 does happen so maybe he didn’t need too.

Matt Lewis steals the show as Neville. His dancing his stupidity & the fact that he goes OH NO I KILLED HARRY POTTER on the swimming challenge. At least shamus didn’t blow him up this year. Like if always said Neville is the hero proved in this film when he has to watch the spider have the cruiartous curse put on it, something that happened to his parents. It’s even more disturbing when moodey is revealed to be crouch junior later in the film, one of the 2 witches that tortured his parents, maybe he was just finishing his work.

How come Azkaban didn’t notice for a year they were missing a prisoner, or that no one else has drank some of Moodeys potion? Bad judgement.

That Maze etc how where when who wtf are just a couple of answers & mental. I’d go straight in & send my flair in the air to get out as soon as I could no eternal glory for me… Which by the way Harry never really gets does he.

I don’t think if missed much here that needs pointing out. I may be negative thug that’s because I love it. What a fine film. Bring on number 5 Harry Potter & the film with missing bits that irritate me.

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