I never mean to Tweet along to a film (im @EmSh8944 on twitter by the way) but every now and then i do. So this review will be a bit different as i tweeted along. There will be a kinda review after this i promise, but lets be honest whats left to review with this classic. Tweets were in red originally but arent anymore, may have time to update you can work out what i said though right?
Life’s not fair is it. Well said Scar of course it this is the case. If life was fair then everyone would get the same education, the same house and the same salary. Nope that doesn’t happen.
He’s as mad as a Hippo with a hurnier (or how ever you spell it). That’s just funny, just try and imagine a hippo with a hurnier.
No Luke i am you father. the lion king is getting us ready kids for when they hit 10 and understand star wars and enjoy it. Legendary casting in this film.
What am i going to do with him…
Hed make a very Handsom Throw rug. Zazu is suggesting we all kill our brothers and sisters. Something most childhoods consist of without Disney reapplying it.
What’s that shadow place… It’s the dark side they have cookies & wookies. Yes that was my whole tweet. I would have put its where i live but on the whole were not that bad were bad, but you know nowhere is perfect.
Cheaters never prosper. Epic line
He brought it hook line & sinker. Die Hard Reference about Mr Irons when hes telling simber about the graveyard.
Those hyenas are amazing. They are FACT! more fab casting always bring the light entertainment.
Look at the star the great kings of the past are up there along with my death star. Im referencing more star wars again.
Mufusa mufusa mufusa mufusa oh it tickles. We were at football friday and my mum said mustaffa, and i just randomly did the mufusa thing to her & she giggled for a good 5mins.
Uuuuggggeeerrrrllllyyyy. Again classic
What did scar bring to the rest of the hyenas if each group of 3 got a zebra leg they must be nearly extinct. See its not us killing all the animals
Prepare for what… The death of the king… What is he sick?
USSR bit now. Light comedy followed by soviet Russia, one is still relevant and one is still scary, you can pick.
Yesterday we were an army with no country tomorrow we must decide which country we are going to buy. More die hard references.
Why did zazu not remember scar punching him? genuine question
Long live the king. Disney Death mixed with a it was you moment from air force one.
I never cry when mufusa dies but I am right now why? I should point out when i watch it, it had been a really emotional week or too maybe that is why
Why didn’t Nala have to marry scar… After all this is hamlet isn’t it. just think about that point
Hay kid what’s eating you nothing he’s at the top of the food chain rofl so where you from. This is the first time i got that joke after like 20 years my bad
What’s in a name. More Shakespeare
Slimy yet satisfying
Iv got a lovely bunch of coconuts… There they are standing in a row
Big ones small ones some as big as your head… This is one of my favourite bits of the whole film
Buller Buller Buller… Fry. More fab casting arriving now with Matthew Broderick.
What did you say Que pasa. Our bar used to be called that, then it turned into a spoons
In the jungle… The mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight ah weeeeeeeeeee ioioio
Simba nala… No shit Sherlock. Its a film your meant to know that your likely to meet the girl you were always meant to marry half way through and your now both so much hotter.
It starts… does what it says on the tin really
Did timone & pumba spy on Simba & nala for the entire time they made out bit awkward
In short our pal is doooooooooommmmmmeeeeedddd until he breaks up with her straight away
He needs to let it go let it go & be one woth the wind & sky… The past didn’t bother him anyway. Squash banana
Hes not impressed with his reflection but he should be that the pool has like led lights in it
Hes doing the immortal obi wan thing from star wars now. How many more starwars references. Also why was this tweet in a bigger font
He could have left them all a note that he was going back couldn’t he. Or dropped a txt to say he got there ok
Had Disney used up there colour budget else where for this part of the film
Iv ran 100s of miles for my mates to fight over some shitty waste land & now I’m bare in a hula skirt. Oh well i hope they are Aching for some bacon
Surely scar would have worked out it was simba sooner. Hes the only over male lion, no one has ever seen another, hang on are they all inbreed??
I have an army… Where have heard thst before it’s usually followed with the line we have a hulk. Oh to be burdened with glorious purpose.
Truth is in the eye of the beholder…Oh shit yea your not going to let me get away with this are you
Kung fu rifiki. i will give someone a whole £1 if they can do that
The army of hyenas were as shit as lokis army too.
Family that got Loki off to scar isn’t as burdened with glorious purpose is he hang on im talking about this before i tweet it.
Remember who you are…

roar cue katy perry in her jungle jane gear
Thank God in 1994 Disney didnt do easter eggs at the end of the films I still cant find Mickey during the film it’s probably really obvious
Well if you got down to here well done, maybe i wont blog a tweet along next time.
Fact of the matter is there are no real issue with The Lion King, possibly one of the best Disney films of all time. Its 1% off being perfect. Hakuna Matatta.
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