I have to say Spoiler but it a not really this film is older than me so no real spoilers
Giggle omiter ago I’m going to put a few things I’m going to put down & then get back to later. I may just leave this as the review for you all to go oh I love that bit.
Plane fin like a shark with jaws music. Classic just classic opening scene
Mr & Mrs airport announcer. The bickering & arguments about the red & white parking zones.
Lungs on security scanner & taking off his arm
The flower of religious consciousness.& even in Chicago they get taken out by the pilots. So glad we don’t have these here at Gatwick or Heathrow.
Plan crashes into building due to wrong hand signals.
The line what a pisser.
The heart for the little girl sitting on the desk. I mean come on put it in a fridge people come on of course it will go off in 6 hours.
Is trans American a real airline in real life?
The little kid reading the election news & the little girl on the plane who likes her coffee like her men.
Jive talking old lady. Imagine that would be like my granny using emojis
Pillow on a plane before take off wtf ba you have to practically beg for one.
Roger Roger Victor Over the pilots name confuse everyone.
Surfing nuns seriously that looks amazing bet my great aunty Betty would have liked to have done that.
The bar is worse than Detroit. What you can’t say that about Detroit & the fact no one cares about the bar fight they just continue with there everyday stuff & then the Beegees & everyone dances. & then he turns into Travolta hehehehe it’s just so bad.
All the people who kill themselves when he tells the storys about meeting his wife.
The have you ever ,do you like story’s from the pilot is so funny hehe every like 4secs.
That painting of the war, with the guy actually sitting there for the art
Lieutenant George Zipp bless him keeps getting brought up ends up saving the day tho so all is good.
The guitar song for the girl & she keeps knocking out her oxygen supply while singing to her. She also knocks everyone else out on the plane getting the instrument to the front.
Auto pilot. & the deflation I know it’s corney & cheesey but it’s classic the happy face & the afterwards cigarette.
Teaching the tribes how to play basketball & food storage.
Air Israel please leave the runway. Nice wig
Drinking problem isn’t really a drinking problem it’s so bad they just throw it everywhere. If only that’s how you can get drunk it would be a waste of money tho.
Sir are you a doctor. No shit sherlock iv got my stethoscope on.
Eggs & the bird of the I’ll people
The shits hitting the fan… Literally
All the what is it followed by literal answers ie what’s a hospital it’s a place with sick people in it, but that’s not the point.
The symptoms of the fish illness on the pilot
Can you fly this plane? Surely you cant be serious? I am serious now don’t call me Shirley!
By the way is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane? Mass panic
All the thousands of dials & switches.
The horse sleeping in the bed with Mrs over.
Pulling out the lecky for the runway
The really bad green screen on the drive to the airport.
The virgin Mary praying for answer & help & shutting her eyes.
The woman who screams & everyone hits her.
I want to put baseball cards into a planes wheel spokes why not no really issue there is there.
The instruments they all play
Crash landing positions
People on the baggage carolse looking at their bags on the side.
All those emergency vehicles & the plane moving from gate to gate to gate
Leslie Nielsen nose keeps growing everytime he says something that’s a lie to anyone.
How much stuff did that guy give up that week. Smoking booze drugs anthetsmens & glue? That’s hard-core cold turkey.
I’d just like to say good luck were all counting on you… Even tho wev now landed.
Classic film classic line just hysterical. Love it to bits I don’t care that it’s a bit shot & chessy & dated. Shirley would be happy.