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23 August 2018
Cinema trip time
Time to watch Equalizer 2.
Id seen the first, it was a good action film, so this should hit the spot.
Little did i know…
23 August 2023… 5 years later… how quiet can i be… when he appears on screen? Probably not.

If you have not worked it out from that, this is the first time i ever actually noticed some guy called Pedro Pascal. I had unknowingly seen him in films before this, but this one i came home & googled who he is… so we will get to The Equilizer 2 proper review in a minute, but we need to talk David Christopher York & the man that he is. Also i so could bombard you with about 50000 Pictures of Dave York, but i decided not to & just go for the main picture at the top so be grateful.


Have you ever asked google how to become the floor? I have…
& im no longer ashamed of it.
When He gets down on that watch tower floor & he slowly lowers himself looking like that… Damn. & i mean were talking Cillian Murphy saying Death by Exile moment. Its that hot & it makes me go crazy. It is the sexiest moment in cinema not to include any sex or kisses. Its too hot.

& thats not even talking about the wave with the hand to his wife, or when he bites on that phone, or when he looks at his own crime photos or when he touches those books. Mate did you know you will ruin lives by doing that. & lets also remember that as much as he murders Susan, the last thing she sees before she dies are Daves dark pooling caramels. I mean… Imagine… no thats not for here.. snap out of it girl youve gone to far.

McCall called him fat how dare he!

Dave is the only man to not get rained on in a hurricane, honestly watch that scene, up until the fight not once does he get rained on.

I need to but also dont need to talk about the Yorks family kitchen. I know that Kettle to well, those lights are far to low, the grapes, the new hamster (epic line) & also Carol York. Its all her fault. She shouldnt have just let a random stranger in their house. Im sure Dave would have told her about checks & security, but not she just lets him it. It is Carols fault that Molly & Alice (yes i know the girls names) dont grow up with their dad. How dare she, she sent her husband to his death.

Oh but she doesnt actually, Dave survived the fall & is living with me here. He survives getting knocked out cold & getting his eye gouged (yea whats with Pedro & his eyes especially when they are that beautiful) & then the multiple stabs, losing his teeth, falling from a grate height, crashing onto rocks & then drifting out to sea. Yea he so survived that… Poor baby.

& he wears that suit so well.

Also when hes in the apartment trying to find McCall did he have to do it that smoothly in that beanie hat, because damn man. Especially drawing the face on the mirror we did not need that. My mind wonders so so much.

When hes calling out his shots as he shoots that car, that is hot too. No one says side mirror quite like Dave York does.

I think that is it for my thirsting of David Christopher York. I now cant stand it when Pedro doesnt at least have stubble, but damn Dave, I got it bad for him. Also my two favourite Pedro Characters are the complete polar opposites, Dave & Javi G. Everyone goes well you cant make your mind up girl you want the best of both world. & all im going to say to you all about that is Urghhhhhhhh my life… its soooooooooo hard… Hehe

If i thirst now its due to properly reviewing the film now, so all the Pedro peoples can disappear now (maybe) the rest of you thanks for putting up with that. Now lets review this bloody good action film, in which Denzel kicks arse.

I only realised after this film that this is the first ever sequel Denzel has made. That is very interesting. All the other films & projects hes been in & this is the first one. Wow. I guess he just liked the interesting way of killing people.

Unlike the first equalizer film which was just bits & bobs & had no real villain until act 3 or someone to suspect, that showed you there was going to be a story throughout it trying to work out who sent them to do the dirty work & who would kill susan. The fight between susan & those thugs was intense. She gave them a bloody good fight back she really does. Also she actually give Dave an alibi for her own death without realising. The way he stabs her is so oh fuck. Its not nice to watch but he was also kind of putting her out of her misery if she was in pain. See Dave was fine.

I always cry at this film. & its not due to Daves death. Its the little old guy that he drives around when hes the uber driver. He wants to prove that painting is his as its the only thing that reminds him of his family as he was German & Jewish. & then at he end of it you think ahh they found the painting for him… but no… he found his sister… Oh man. I blub i really really do. Its so sweet & i was not expecting it at all. Its beautiful.

The train scene at the start is a nice taster of the action thats to come & i love how he always clicks his watch for the killing times. But other than act 3, the best set pieces, is him in the car killing one of Dave hench men whos after him. The editing the score the driving the fight, the knife & the execution of him. So chaotic. It feels a bit like a Bourne film watching that (my fave) its so clever & then setting the car on fire. No one is getting an uber any time soon, its so clever.

I get inspiring that kid & making him change his life is important for life morals & that so many kids go into gang culture & kill or do stuff they arent comfortable with, but at no point until he got picked up had he even acted at all a bit like that, but no he decided to join a gang & possibly kill someone to look cool & hard. & not one of the people in that room who are all meant to be hard stand up to McCall at all. They are all meant to be hard gang members & not one of them trys to stab him. What kind of a world is that.

I always feel for bill Pullman in these films. But its actually to feel for him. So often tis the wife that to the side, but its the husband which is good. Its interesting to see how he grieves for his wife. & i get he was her husband, but come on. He wouldnt have worked out it was Dave that killed her. Not unless McCall had told him. Stupid to tie up that lose end.

McCall spends so so long being oh no one can no im alive i need to hide & do this & that & then just randomly goes to see Dave as hes running (& CALLS HIM FAT HOW DARE HE) But you know he could have kept it shhhhhh & then turned up at Dave door & being like bitch i got you, your evil. Hehe, would have been much cooler.

Act 3 with them vs McCall in the hurricane is so cool. First Kovak gets taken out with a harpoon. I love it. You just see the spear go through the wall & the blood drip off it. Then putting the pictures everywhere for the second death which is a straight fight. Although those posters are still relatively will dry & in shape, did he have that planned out already before he went to go pick up Bill. & then death by flour in the bakery. I mean when everyone comes back, thats going to be hard to explain. No bread peoples. It exploded. No way did the hurricane cause that much damage.

I hope that kid & McCall got all the decorating stuff he used for the mural & the kitchen from where he used to work, in that B&Q place. Im guessing he still got discount. Also his apartment is small & little & then randomly has a safe room behind book case, what the hell. Its crazy. I mean i get he would have safe room (& how Dave never got into it still baffles me a little) but yea its like a minimal place to live & then ahh safe room. anyone who buys that off him will be like the fuck is this.

His house back home is huge. I mean i get its got bad memories for him about his wife but its lush & everything is still working there. So he kept it pristine? or rented it out? Thats never explained.

This isnt the best written film in the world. & there are much better action films out there, but even before I full on thirsted over my man, i preferred this to the original film, by a long way. Its exactly what you need to get lost in & watch eating a large bowl of popcorn its the perfect sunday night action movie which is a bit grim at points.

& its also perfect to eat with Pancakes & maple syrup & watch out Stabby Murder Daddy Dave York…

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