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You may already have this published im not sure but im doing an A to Z of physical media. We need to keep it alive, streaming like to delete your favourites from time to time & as a collector & someone who appreciates it, it needs celebrating. I had already watched the A on the this list & reviewed it on here so this is the first one in this marathon thats appearing on here. This will be very interesting to see how this goes.

So im asking people what i should watch & a few people who i weren’t expecting message to say watch the Mr Bean film, its so insane so that is what i am going to do. As a brit & child of the 90s i grew up watching Mr Bean & Blackadder reruns. I loved it all. But it is now 2023 & no longer 1997. So lets see how this has aged & how i feel about it. Im sure its going to look dated but i am actually looking forward to how whacky this is going to be.

For a man of very few words, Mr Bean is bloody universal with his physical comedy & him getting his own film in the 90s was exactly the right thing to happen. Rowan owns every scene, & is especially good as a fish out of water in this film. Not being in his flat but being in America, its madness but it just work. He just owns every second, & yes some of it is cringe now, but at the time it was exactly what it should be.

I love the June Brown is the PA at the national gallery in london, i love that. Such a small little detail that all brits are like yesssssss & the rest of the world is like who. I also love that in order to stop him causing issues they send him to the painting opening in America, such a british thing to do. Get him away have him cause no trouble. But then its the fact that coming from the national gallery, they all automatically assume hes a doctor or philosopher of art which is so not the case. However this does work at the end, because his opinion of the art is exactly what they all need & i love that its so o the point. HE really was the right choice to send to go be the representative. Definitely added more than Bon Jovi.

Whistler Mother, this is literally the only time ive every heard of the painting. Ive never heard anything about it before the film (not that i would have being young) or older since. Its like come on. Like you hear about protesters trying to steal other work but not this one. Did they just make it up for the film. A quick google later no they didnt its real art & in Paris not America. But all the merch they make for it is full on. Love it.
But the whole destruction of the painting is so crazy. I should be more concerned with my sneezing shouldnt i near art. This does then lead to the whole replacing the painting at the end of the film & the heist that isnt a heist. But what i want to know is how did he get that back into the country, like his suit case was small & going through any scanner would have picked up something weird. Yes i know its the 90s & not now with travel but still.

Showing off your in business class is funny, but ewww to the sick. I know the kid need cheering up but still. But then the airport chaos. Oh god. Like he would not have been let go that quickly, oh god no. Also the americans so over react to anything at all. Like why didnt they just ask him.

I get his wife getting pissed at him for letting him stay at the house. I get that, but he goes out one night for a drink & shes like its out of order i need to divorce you, like what the fuck. Over reaction, He goes ot one pub & probably has like 3 drinks & comes home a little tipsy & shes like what is this. Theres a reason why us brits all believe we can out drink all you americans, you cant hold your drink like us, no way.

The rendition of yesterday is so funny, so much so that i think every time i sing it the second suddenly i say as dramatically as he does. Not every time, but still.

Breaking the ride simulator surly would have got him deported back home right. Also the screen graphics were different too so unless they were programmed for different ride its very odd that this happened as well.

i get that the whole thing is trying to get everyone to see the good in each other but it is a very strange way to go about it & even when that family does reconcile they still aint perfect, which is actually a very good thing to do. That kid is funny.

Everything in the hospital is crazy, like all of it. I get we needed to have some more drama & excitement, but from the accident to the chase, to the operation & then his clumsiness waking her up. Its all too far. Also why is their only one policeman for the whole state who has to work the airport, carnival & security. I get that it makes bean saving him more funny but still.

As a kid with the final LA sequence we flipped everyone off for weeks afterward. That was funny, not knowing what it meant.

Also the lack of Boyzone… considering it was the theme song, it only got credit treatment.

That poor security guard. That was a lots of laxatives.

This is nothing more than a nostalgia watch back to the 90s. Its dated & it would never be made today, but probably mr bean wouldnt either. Its iconic for Gen X & millennials, but no one else is going to care about this at all. A funny piece for its time which summed up british comedy on the world stage back in the day.

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