2008 Quantum came out & was slated. & if im honest ive only seen it all the way through twice before… & its been at least 10 years since i last saw it, so i am going to look at this with fresh eyes & see how Quantum holds up, because i remember the last time i saw any of it that i sat there going why did this geta bad rep… lets go Bond lets go…
Okay here me out. The title is fucking crap however this is without a doubt Craigs 3rd Best Bond film….
Oh i an hear some of you screaming now. It is. Think about it. Seriously think about it. Obviously Casino Royal is number 1, its one of the greatest Bond Movies of all time, & then Skyfall damn. But just sit there & think of Spectre & No Time To Die. Bond gets too lost in himself. This is the last time Bond did True Bond stuff. I know he does Bond stuff in the other Bond films still to come, & he get the car back & he gets Q & Moneypenny, but still, this is the last time it films like old school Bond, but it still had the craig edge & honestly Spectre & No Time To Die needed that.
Okay there is an issue & it is an issue with almost all the Craig bond films that ive noticed. Its Dominic Greene, the movies Villain. Hes not up to standard. Im sorry hes not. I want that army guy dead more than him. I dont care about Quantum & Spectre at this point & his plan & his money & his greed. Hes actually kind of the McGuffin in this to go find him & his lair in the middle of nowhere, nothing else matters. But Craigs villains when he has been Bond (excluding Mads & Bardem) have been crap. They have. I get that its easier to rout for Bond, but growing up watching Bean, Price, Carlisle & Lee (the coolest bond villain of all time) they were good villains.
Lets also talk about how this is not a good Bond Theme too, it was like they went oooh we need something edgy, but this hasnt stood the test of time. Apart from the doinky bits you know what i mean, i couldnt even hum it to you or tell you the lyrics. Yea its not good.
Mr White is bloody an escapologist in all these films, cos in this he gets away a lot. but it is bloody cool that for that whole opening chase, hes in the bloody boot of that car getting thrown about, i love it. He must of had some full on whiplash from it. But that car chase is very full on. I do believe Bond doesnt say a word for the whole opening 10minutes of the film.
& then the escape & the shoot out to try & frame M is brilliant. Forget Vesper M was bonds real love in this series (we will get to Madeline when we do no time to die). She was the only one that really got to him. Bloody legend Dench & her being so mean to him for all of this film really works & adds to their actual trust dynamic.
Olga is a good bond villain. Enough to make her new & fresh, but also classic enough for some tropes. He pain is from a long time ago but she is still haunted by it now. She does a really good job in this film & she kicks arse & gets revenge too.
Got to love some casual army general being over the top about everything. He was a bastard though & got what he deserved. Every time he appeared on the screen i wanted him to meet his unhappy ending & then was very glad when he. Fucker. We aint down for any of that shit he did, before or during the film.
Felix, bless him. Bit of an idiot at times for sure. Hes so bleeding obvious in everything isnt he. I mean i know James goes around introducing himself to everyone cos its the iconic line, hes got to say it, but nah Felix tone it down a bit mate. He does help him out though.
I like the Opera. I love that whole set up. It made it very cool & clever & you didnt know where it was going to go, but it so worked cos it got all those people linked to them in the audience, except Mr White who we all assume is goign to get away with it until he wont.
Strawberry Fields… Classic bond name, classic bond shag, classic ditziness, classic death. Well done Gemma that was exactly what you needed to be. I know we are talking about bringing bond into the now, but lets be honest sometimes you need a little bit of old school bond to make the rest of the film seem cool & stylish.
What was the point of Mathis. We dont trust him, then hes a bit of a weird man, then we dont trust him, then we do then hes dead. I get it teaches Bond a lesson, but he had that lesson already in this film, we didnt need it twice.
The explosion & crash is crazy. I love it, but then it leads to that iconic walk through the dessert in those outfits. Love it. Thats the moment everyone remembers from this film. Just so cool.
& then we finally get the showdown. Yet another modern spacy place in the middle of nowhere for a Craig Bond (all but Mads villain has this in his 5 films) & it all kicks off. There are so many explosions in this scene & it is very stressful as the fire jsut keeps growing & shit keeps breaking. Make it count… oh boy does he.
The end is rather different about Bond not getting his revenge but warning others about the ex & getting justice for Vesper. M is very proud of him, but he just walks off into the snow. I expected his Bond to continue like this & for that to be the end of the Vesper link, because he had laid her ghost to rest, but no they just keep going back to it. For a man with no heart, he kept hanging on didnt he.
The score is always spot on with these films. ITs always a feast for the ears to hear. You do just sit there & get chills as it plays out.
This is actually a rather short bond film, i like that it does just get on with it. We know this is Bond & that hes on a personal revenge & if your not here for it you aint going to enjoy it.
This film was ahead of its time & is seriously underrated. Its not the best Bond film oh no, but it proves that maybe Craig peaked too soon with Casino Royal. They shouldnt have been so linked together. It ruined it a little going forward. Give this a rewatch now people & you will understand what i mean when i say this is a decent action spy movie.