First of all apologies. Iv been away on holiday, I was going to post this review before I left & then when I went to do it, it deleted itself so my bad. So sorry for the lack of blogs, I’m now going to make up for it tho.
Does exactly what it says on the tin… Man on a Ledge. Yes seriously it a that’s simple… Ish Sam Worthington stands on a Ledge of a building for 85mins of a 100min film, yea it’s gripped you hasn’t it. Footnote i have a window ledge hence i but my clapper board on it
I hadn’t really read any reviews of this film or really knew what was going on I knew it was deception but not at what kind of level it was going to be. It’s a clever plot. There is one large whole in it.
Their dad? Who was in the coffin. Who did they convince the police it truly was there dad to make sure he could be on day release? Why did the hotel not do a background check on a new employee to find out he’s dead. How come no one on the street or police, when he drops the photo recognises him? & how can he afford to buy drinks for everyone in a bar which I’m guessing if he’s dead isn’t even in his name anymore?
Elizabeth Banks is good in this film. First with the bad cop good cop thing, then the deceptive & finally siding with the hero. Her back story about being a failed negotiator also makes her more likeable. I also like the fact that at the end you don’t know if she ends up with him or they remain friends or if the separate. Films that make you have your own opinion are always good.
I know it’s how he came to fame but getting Jamie Bell to pirroeett in every film is getting a bit zzz. However if he does it as the thing in the new fantastic 4 that will be cool. He & his girlfriend’s robbery is cool it’s so flawed it shouldn’t work but yet it somehow does. & then after all that effort it’s not there wtf that’s bad.
Ed Harris is evil just a gifted actor or a really bad person as I always love his baddys & I also for a change with the villain I always want him to fail too. The fact that he keeps switching the diamond putting it in different safes & pockets is cool.
This was my second viewing of the film, & it’s only watching it this time that I realised that the other cop who is the partner is actually falcon in marvel. Omg how did I not notice that.
This film may have not been a box office smash & there are better hysterical films, which kinda is my genre, but I can tell a good film by the number of questions my mum asks while partly watching. No she said if got stuff to do you watch your film, next thing I know she’s nearly burnt the ironing board.
Good film which deserves a lot more credit than it receives.