The Bondathon really is on the move it really is, but this marks a landmark moment for me. Not only is this the 2nd Dalton Bond Movie (which is his last {such a travesty but thats what makes him a fantastic Bond}) but it almost means theres only 9 Bond movies left after this one & i am so not ready to say goodbye & near the end of my James Bond Watching. But time presses on so lets do this James, lets go get the Licence Revoked.
Bond Song chat… License to Kill is bloody cool. With the proper bind notes in the back of it. Gladys owns it, she really does on the chorus. I mean who doesnt love an Olympus camera. How the screens fade from black into colour at the same time is bloody cool. ITs very good. But they do cut down the song a bit for the intro which is a shame. ITs a really good song & they edit it down. I get it i do youve got a film to make but taking 2 minutes away was a bit of a shame also makes the jump to the last chorus seem a bit jarred with no build up. Boo bond people boo.
People moan that this film is too dark & serious for a Bond film, but i think this is what makes Daltons Bond films good & the early craig ones too. IT just worked. IT was just ahead of its time by about 15 years.
Poor Felix he never gets a break does he. I mean it does mean the stakes are so high to start with, not only did they interrupt his wedding but then fuck up his life by making him fish food & murdering his wife. No wonder Bond was bent on revenge i would be too. I get that doing it at the wedding makes it more personal but its crazy & sets of the tone that this is going to be an action film where someone just goes for it. John Wick without the swearing & dogs.
Are all DEA dodgy? Im beginning to think this is the case. Ive not seen one in a while whos legit & honest. Cos even Pedro as Pena isnt legit is he? ish… lets be honest were not watching him for catching Escobar are we. That being said its nice its not a soviet for once woohoo.
& so starts bonds revenge quest & it all kicks off rather quickly. Killing henchmen with the same shark that was used for Felix attack was a very cool thing to do.
If your going to smuggle cocaine, use a submarine. What an epic idea. Im all here for that for sure (Dont do drugs though peoples please).
M worked out what was going down very quickly didnt he. So often M asks where is 007 but here when he uses some revenge not at her majesty’s request, hes court marshalled. I love Bonds escape from M too. I mean i do get what M was on about too emotionally involved, but lets be honest, he is Bond he will find them so quickly & then will take them out & you have the world saved at the same time, let him get on with it.
I love the Q goes rouge too & goes to see bond to help him. I love that. More than just he gimmicks for him, hes helpful & useful when he turns up to help. It was nice to see him do that.
Agent Johnson (Davi sorry hes always agent Johnson to me) as Sanchez is bloody ruthless in this. He is a cool villain & you really do secretly want him to get away with it but you also really want him to suffer when bond gets him. Also any man who has Benicio Del Toro as a henchman is good enough for me.
How do you accidentally steal $5million. I mean it helps with the framing too later on but it is very random.
Pam having her glow up is good but she was pretty before that. I also love the fact that yes she is the bond girl but she is a useful bond girl. Shes not just window dressing & used for sex, in fact i think they dont do it at all. She has a purpose & is of use. Its nice shes not disposable like so many of them have been throughout this Bondathon.
Decompressing death, not a nice way to go, but visually amazing & shows just how ruthless Sanchez is even to his own if things dont go well for other that effect him.
Bond actually does some good spy work in this one getting to be near the bad guy & never once really being suspicious until we get to act 3, all the other bond villains worked him out far to early but here, it works & im glad he gets to do this.
So if your going to set up an evil organisation, why not use a cult as your front. Its truly brilliant. I love it. Its so bloody clever, no one is ever going to go near a cult. They will just leave it alone. I love it. Also i love the telesales part of it all thats so 80s.
Cocaine in petrol, is that why cars are guzzlers of it all. Also wouldnt it then taste bad &fuck your insides up even more.
We all love a cliché death via convey belt & the fact its Dario (Toro) is so cool. He got a fitting end even then. Now if he was offered that hed do that as hes so cool.
Lots of kaboom in the act 3 finale. Fires going off & an epic chase, with tankers exploding everywhere. But the last one that kills Sanchez is iconic. At the start of the film Bonds wedding favour was a lighter from the Leiters (yes a good pun well done peoples) & he uses it to finish off Sanchez. Its a whole round story proving that revenge sometimes is necessary. It worked & is an epic pay off to a act 3 show down which is incredible. & one of the best final bond show downs that there is.
I like darker bond, it gave it better pacing than some of the Moore films. It broke the generic formula the two Dalton movies & made Bond cool. It was a well written story too, yes there are Bond cliches to be had, but they turn up when the story needed them too.
Also can we shout out that he rejects the stereotypical Bond girl for the decent one who had been of use for the film. I love that. HE cared for her & saw her more for than just being pretty.
Yea the Dalton films they were far too few of, & both are classy as fuck. I get why people dont like them but all the reasons people dont like them for they like Royale for the same thing. It was just ahead of its time. I bloody love it.