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The Bondathon is moving. Its really moving & tonight its time for Octopussy. This will be interesting i think this is the last bond film, that i have no real recollection of watching as a child. Im hoping im proved wrong though i really am. But lets do this James show me what youve got.

Nope i hadnt seen this one as a kid, i have no memories for Fabergé eggs.

The Bond song is perfectly fine. Its nothing to write home about. It loves some strings, but it needed a better voice, it did. Also lots of random dancing & chucking in the video behind it & neon too. Yea its alright.

The opening with the twins is pretty cool, lots of knives, lots of Drama. But why dress him as a clown, it was just a bit too random & odd. Also no one ever be another agent with a number in a Bond film because you know, your dead or the betrayer arent you. You dont have a good ending. I mean with Bond… nobody does it better.

I lvoe how we go through all the drama of getting this bloody egg only for it then to all be sorted out by a game of bloody Backgammon. I rolled my eyes at this. & the guy was supposedly unbeatable. & then knowing shes a spy he lets the real egg go. Im sorry MI6 you dont let the bloody egg go, yes they put a tracker on it, but is it worth it? I dont think Bond or MI6 thought about this.

Back to the soviets being soviet again. If im honest by the time i got to this one i was like im over this now, i get the cold war made good stories or spying but couldnt he spy on someone else please. Maybe thats why a View to a Kill & Golden Gun are so stand out.

So hes been buying the real ones, faking them selling the fakes to fund his world domination plans & keeping the originals? I mean good plan, but why go to all that trouble.

Octopussy is a bad bond name it really is. But what hacked me off was that she was in Golden Gun, shes disposable that gets killed off. Did they run out of classically trained pretty british actresses in the 70s & 80s & just go oh its been long enough we will use her again no one will notice. At least when Doctor who do it with assistants they pick a face they have seen before or talk about a family member being the first character.

The cult is weird, very very weird. Its a bit too much for me if im honest. & i belong to a cult of swifties & the Pascal fandom, & im finging that cult weird. & we spend far too long there to not learn that much plus he also spends so long trying to get out of it too.

The most random bit is going well thanks for letting my dad kill himself for treason rather than stand trial or let someone else kill him. Felt very miss placed.

Its all a ruse… of course it is. But your going to blow up a circus? Seriously? Pick something better mate. & yes blaming the west & America would look bad but at no point other than the Americans always being angry & the soviets & vice-versa, would the world really fall for the even in east germany as it was at the time.

The train bit is decent but its far too short considering the stake at risk & then he falls off the train & has to disarm the bomb after smuggling in as a clown… Urgh. It got lazy at this point.

Did Octopussy & her cult actually thing they stood a chance against Khan. I mean i know hes not the best villain in Bond no way but no way was that going to go to plan. The Hostage taking was always on the cards, just so then Bond could save the day & get the girl.

The plane bit is alright but is an anti-climax, even compared to come other Moore Bond scene with flight crashes.

This isnt the best bond script for either joke or cliches or story, it just lacked & felt like they made another Bond film because they knew Roger would soon be retiring. I mean im guessing in 20 years time this might be how i look back at no time to die (dont worry we will get to it peoples).

For its time im guessing this was good. Maybe im being a bit harsh on this after doing so many Moore Bond films in quick succession, but this just felt a little bland & not as gripping as the other Moore Bond films. When it was done i was like well that was alright but nothing to shout from the roof tops about.

I will watch this as a stand alone one day not as apart of all of Bond, with fresher eyes. Maybe it will make me think better of it.

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