Christmas viewing time… yes i know this isnt a christmas film, but its still frozen & i watched actual frozen yesterday & yes i still cried when Olaf said some people are still worth melting for. So lets do this while i paint my nails on christmas ever drinking bucks fizz before all the festivities start properly tomorrow. I mean todays been bloody fab. Christmas Duck is always a highlight… anyhow i digress.
Into the unknown is one hell of a belter, it really is. I mean its not let it go but its a tune for sure. You tell me that you arent singing along to that as that burst out of your TV. Its rather magical & Idina nails it. It probably also easier for her to perform live than let it go is, but its a good solid classic style disney song & it doesnt get enough credit.
Our theories are confirmed in this with the ship being the one from the little mermaid, for sure. you look at he interiors of that boat & you go oh god, yes i can see why ariel would be rummaging through here, it so works. I mean it then does disprove the Tarzan one but as a ariel girl, im all here for that one.
Olaf is still the MVP. His songs are not as good as in summer, but Josh Gadd bosses it. SAMANTHA! I dont even know a Samantha is comedy gold. I love when voice people can just do their own thing from time to time. IT gives them range & then the reanimation afterward. Yes i know it gives the animators & editors more work, but if its going to be iconic like that, then it needs to be kept in the film. All im going to say is the Genie in Aladdin got his freedom, due to Robins epic voice for sure. I didnt cry when he “died” on this viewing but i did forget they brought him back. Also when he retells the plot of the first film, its wonderful. Im so glad disney realise we all adored this & made them into little shorts for other classics (find them on disney plus peoples, you will not be disappointed) but its so good, so so so good.
I love how the film randomly stops during act 1 so they can play Sherards thats batshit, but it does kind of work & then that Elsa is so bad at it.
Im glad the trolls are only in it for all of 5 seconds. They irritate me a little. They spout exposition but never really help with anything, but i guess they did have to come back didnt they.
What was up with this forest? It was a McGuffin but was a pointless McGuffin if im honest. I mean i get all the elements being at work in it, but it never really explains if it was Elsa that woke them or were they always just searching for something which was why all the people who were trapped there were always on edge. I mean i dont know why they were still all so pissed off with each other for so long, why didnt they just get on a bit more. Your in a bad situation, if you want to survive use your combined skills to sort it out. Also all it takes is Anna & Elsa to say just be nice, for them to go you know what yea we can get on. Bloody people.
Kristoff’s song is very random, but its nice in a kids disney film or any kind of kids film, that a man expresses his emotions. Yes its to reindeers but it shows men arent always brave & strong & can be weak & insecure. That is a huge thing for boys & girls to learn at an early age. We cant all be Aladdin, sometimes being a Kristoff is absolutely fine. You need to be heard in the best way for you. & yes to Svan being Sven.
How many times is Elsa or Anna going to die, to then be saved by the other? I do love that Elsa is like ewww to let it go (no shame there babes its iconic love your legacy its made you who you are & is why we have a second film) but going so far through her past to then be frozen & then just about get her message out is dramatic. & then once again Elsa who created the issue to start with then goes on to save the day. How she gets to the harbour in time even with magical powers is insane. But lets be honest this is a kids film, no way were they going to kill off the town were they.
If im honest the destruction of the Dam & Forest to set everything right & free was a little anti climatic. When i first saw it in the cinema it was powerful, but now watching it back again, it feels very much like they needed to just do something for act 3 & that was the easiest cop out they could do. IT could have been a bit more symbolic but we do now have the fjords because of it, so you know swings & roundabouts with that.
Also for the first & second film Elsa has kept saying that Anna should be queen & then she gives it all up to make Anna queen. I took bloody long enough almost 4 hours of movies, to give the person who wants ot please & help the people most & has a connection with them to be rightfully crowned. Should have done that at the end of the first film.
So we now have a fifth element in Elsa… okay? bit weird, but at least she gets to live in the forest with all the cool stuff going on there & make everything peaceful & appease the other spirits. Also i get why people want her to have Queen but it doesnt bother me if she does or doesnt. She can be in love with who ever she wants.
All the people in the forest that were trapped for donkeys years that just return home do it like they left 6 months ago? they have been gone at least 21 years not 21 weeks peoples. No questions were asked either… yes i know its a kids film but still.
Olaf in his little suit is adorable, but saying she prefers Kristoff in leather… HEHEHAHA bit much for a kids film but as an adult i love that.
The story is decent, for a follow up. Often disney drop the ball a lot for the sequel. ITs not Toy Story 2 or Incredibles 2 but its better than a lot of the others for sure.
The songs are nice & pleasant but other than into the unknown i cant sing any of them to you at all. You know i can sing you for the first time in forever, love is an open door from the first one but from this they arent as catchy, im sorry they arent.
When she runs on the water, thats bloody specular, i love that. ITs so well animated & so beautiful. IF you want to watch something visually spectacular form this film, thats the scene you go for at the end of act 2 star of 3. It will give you goosebumps.
I think i was too generous in this when i first saw it at the cinema to give it such a high rating. Time hasnt been good to this & the origianl is so so much better. As faras disney sequels go its good, but its not the praise i originally had for this, has fallen away a bit. ITs got the magic, but not the spark. Its still well worth a watch just for Josh Gadd.