Bad Luhrmann returns to what he does best… Killing Leonardo DiCaprio nope sorry that’s Scorsese, the other one, be utterly charming, nope being spoilt that’s the one.
I have never read the book or seen any of the previous versions. So if I’m honest I had no idea how it was going to work out or go along so when it ended I thought oh okay really, so sorry to book readers for once my bad.
Toby Maguire is amazing. A perfect narrative as a kind off flash back & the perfect Nick I believe. Naive honest & thinks the best of everyone. However he even ends up corrupted.
His little house is just so perfect understated, sweet & hidden away amongst all that glamour, even before all the flowers are added.
Carey Milligan-Mumfords Dasiy is so sweet & perfect, the perfect contradiction to her husband & his mistress Isla fisher, who is also brilliant, if under used. I didn’t see the cars & the death scene becoming the defining moments of the characters.
The party’s Gatsby throws are amazing, I wish I could have gone to one. I like to think that like Nick I would also be sent an invitation to attend. It just looks fab & lush.
It is upsetting that noone at the party actually knows Gatsby & all make up story’s & rumours about him. This is made even the more sad when no one goes to his funeral it’s just press & media & Nick desperately defending his friend in death.
DiCaprio doesn’t put a foot wrong all film. Bad makes his Gatsby look effortlessly cool & sophisticated yet still shy. Full of hope still even at the end of the day. Even the light at the end of the dock that doesn’t go out that he reaches for even after his murder. Poetic & amazing.
I think I will need to watch this again at some point this was my first viewing. I did enjoy it tho, well done Baz.