The difficult second album.
I know all the marvel films are there to make money & gets buts on the seats & get everyone into see it with all the different people in it, but this one as much as it was good at the time, now does look really dated & doesn’t really add too much to the MCU. & then to get it so right afterwards this does just feel like a misfire now entirely. ( i should say that i wrote this intro before the recent batch of phase 4 & start of phase 5 which makes this look okay ish)
I get that Tony wanted to protect all his friends, i really do but he just attracted more attention from the rest of the galaxy & proved that us humans are our own downfall by creating Ultron in the first place. He was right & had every right to want to destroy us all. However at no point in the entire film when i first watched it or watching it back in the past few year & here again as a DVD, did i ever feel like this was the end of that our heroes every really were in trouble. It was always going to be new people who were introduced who were going to die.
I get that they are a team, but when it came to the big play at the end, we all knew it was going to be Tony as usual to be the hero. However it was a little anti climatic. The Best bit of the CGI battle was before we got to the is that the best you can do bit. The getting people to safety & not realising your own potential, that was much more impactful that part of a city disintegrating.
We didnt know quick silver long enough to miss him (even though hes not called quick silver here but we all know he is) his death only hurt because he had gone through redemption. An absolute waste of ATJ potential & that he cant come back to the MCU now. (i mean now we know were multiversing then yes he could be still)
The twins are a good addition to the team & i love that they are seen as the villains for the most part of it, but on all the posters before the film came out they were with the avengers. So it was no shock when they suddenly got some humanity & changed to go against Ultron.
Jarvis turning into Vision is good. Especially when he picks up the hammer, i love that. ITs so cool & the fact that no one else could either (except Steve because it wobbles slightly) But his look & his style & everything was so good. & it was nice for Paul to finally properly be the face of the movie & not just be the voice of reason we had heard for so long. His relationship with Wanda going forward is weird tho.
There are too many small character in this film who are important in the scheme of things of not. So like that new doctor why was she there & then never seen again. That party for everyone to be in it, but then no Portman because shes crap or Paltrow because her contract only had 1 more film in it. The other extra avengers only turn up as a back up & are then brought in for the finale reveal as the new line up. Even Fury was relegated (apart from the toast omfg the toast ahhhhhhhhh) yea it all just felt like we were building but we didnt know how epic the finale would have be. ( i know the mcu is still going but you know.) & the poor use of Serkis, i wish he had been in more than just two mcu films. I want claw back. Although he did get to lose the arm like all people do in phase 2 of the mcu.
Tony & the hulks fight is iconic, but its just so the hulk can smash the shit out of some stuff. There is no other reason for it. Mainly because when they go under ground they dont hide it very well. ITs just like were at clints & then we are off to go save the world again. Also where the fuck did they all sleep in that house. Cap splitting that wood tho DAMN IT CHRIS!!!!!!!
Scarlet having a baby did mean that she did do a lot of standing about or getting caught in this film. There are clear moment when its not her on the bike or being thrown about. I mean i get it, but you can clearly see the difference.
For a film about AI we dont actually explain much about it. Ultron does what he wants & we just accept it dont we, that he can travel through the air waves but is a physical being.
Thor going topless, good, & hot but needed not really. Especially with what Taika then does next to Thor. Also all those vision were interesting but i wish we knew a little bit more about them & why were black widows a flashback. Also marvel dont go painting women who cant have kids as a monster, its not nice. I know she was talking about stuff in general but still. ITs not good or nice & that would hurt a lot of ladies. Remember they are a large part of your audience too.
So tony & bruce make a mistake in creating ultron & then decide to do it again, i mean yes it works this time, but seriously. I remember sitting in the cinema seeing that going what the hell. No lad why why.
The tease at the end of not completing the avengers assemble line, i know it had that pay off in endgame, but that was just trolling us all.
This film was the first real one to thank people for watching end credit scenes in previous films, otherwise if you didnt you just wouldnt understand what this base was & who the twins were.
Its not the best written super hero film either. Im sorry its not. The exposition is clunky & then to quick & comical & its like hang on stop just stop for a minute please, let me hear this & work this out.
A thanos tease as well, which then takes him a few years before he turns up to chaos. Cheers marvel.
I know what they had planned was phenomenal but this really was to fill a gap, bring the money in & to set up the huge pay off at the end. I mean its still decent there are a lot lot worse super hero films out here for sure, but this is just fine looking back at it. It really is. It fills a gap & ties you over until shit goes down. Worth it or the MCUathon but lets be honest not pick this film just to watch on its own.