Spoilers… apart from the fact its history so you know…
Im going to tell you a story, youve probably heard me say this before but who cares, im telling it…
Today 11 years ago (February 11 2022) Me & my best went to the cinema. We would go once a month on a sunday night & on the drive over we would pick what we would watch. I drove & she paid for the tickets as i would “forget my student card” or be busy parking while she got our tickets. This viewing i had already decided what we were going to see before we got there & had to convince her on the journey. I wanted to see the Kings Speech.
So i pled my case & said to her that on the film show i listened to that people had been giving the film a standing ovation & that it was up for best picture at the oscars & baftas. She agreed & we both laughed on the drive over about who would really give a film a standing ovation. We got to the cinema & was told there was no trailers before the film & the film would just start 15mins after the run time so we went & got ice cream & came back to a sold out screening & watched the film.
& as the words Directed by Tom Hooper appeared on the screen at the end of the film. I looked at her with moist eyes & went we clap dont we & she said yes. So we started clapping & then so did the rest of the row & then the screening all stood up & we gave it a standing ovations & applauded it & whooped. We eventually got back to the car & she said thank you for making me see that, id have never have watched that.
I have seen this again since multiple times but not for about 4 years. & until Belfast this was the only film i had ever applauded at the cinema. So once i had seen Belfast, ive been waiting for this day to watch The Kings Speech again & stand in my lounge & applaud the end of it again. & Today it appeared on my time line from 11 years ago. So here i am watching the Kings Speech with Wine & nibbles in my own flat with tissues ready to cry at the end. Lets do this Colin…
Before i start typing this im just going to acknowledge that when i first saw this movie i was like this is the best film ever & is stunning & amazing & deserves best picture & everything. However when i saw this in 2011, i didnt go to the cinema that often only if i really wanted to see a film or went with my bestie. & i wasnt brave enough to go on my own or afford it. Therefore i am now going to set the record straight. INCEPTION WAS ROBBED OF BEST PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean its my favourite film of all time but it was due to this award season that made me search it out & then watch it a few months later. Im not saying the King Speech has gone down in my estimation by the way its still an amazing movie but its not Inception is it. No film is Inception. I’ve really just written a paragraphs about Inception havent i?… uhoh…
Anyhow (TANGENT) where were we… Oh yes the Kings Speech…
Its still brilliant, it really is. There is nothing wrong with this movie at all. The way its shot, acted, styled, written & how it deal with life’s difficulties from different places, & grief. Its so so so fantastic.
Colin does give his best performance. There is no doubt about that. Just a normal performance in this film was brilliant. But to do it with the stutter is so convincing, that you actually really feel for him in this film. I mean you shouldnt hes going to be king of england & is extremely privileged. Its crazy how you feel for a guy in the position, but we will get to that in a bit.
Geoffry Rush, wow. Thats stunning. I love him in this. Hes the bit of normality people need in their lives & he just owns it & is so fantastic in this & his methods & Helena as well as Elizabeth, brilliant. They also do so much heavy lifting. Brilliant both of them.
& then theres my mate… for those who havent been here for ever that is Guy Pearce. Hes hardly in it as Edward & hes being a bastard & selfish for most of the film & being not nice & picking on his brother & finding everything an inconvenience. But he nails it, he soooooo does. I know im biased towards Guy (not like Pedro or Tom bias) but he is so good in this. Especially when the kind (played by bloody Gambon for crying out loud) dies & he crys & runs off & then goes im trapped. He was & its the most human part of the film. We sit there with the Royal & go oh look at them, but at the end of the day if you are a Royal, you are in it for life, you cant escape it. Your trapped. Just because of who your parents are & that they decided to have sex on night, you suddenly the future kind or queen of the country. It is trapping them especially if your top tier royal, & as much as you live a life of privilege, its not a normal life.
His therapy sessions are amazing & the mini montage is brilliant. I love that. They actually made Colin Firth do that in an expensive suit. The best is still the headphones with the music, which is now even more iconic after educating Yorkshire when the kid who didnt speak put the head phones on & it worked & Mr Burton went holy fuck on national tv. Yea that always chokes me up a little now because of that kid & that episode of tv. But it proved it worked. See films dont always lie to you peoples, some are bloody inspirational & change lives in ways they never thought they could.
The swearing section, love it. I know i swear to much when i speak & type, i know i do however, all those words coming out of one of our finest actors mouth is hilarious. Especially when after going through them all he ends with Tits. & then he mouths them later on to help him.
Im pretty sure this film is why i say the world & call you all my peoples. Im certain of it. I think i started referencing it back in 2011, it makes perfect sense.
Theres a scene about grief after the king dies when he just goes to see him & talk, because he needs out. That such a brilliant way of showing the process of the grief & how it effects others in a different way. Its so good. I love it & then how a few weeks later, its this moment that is there fall out & undoing & break of trust. Forget treason, trust & friendship is more important than that & they prove it later in the movie.
Seeing the towers at Wembley was like ahhhhhhhhh i remember you guys, i missed you, you were amazing & brilliant. I mean i love that ive now been to actual wembley but still, something magical about that.
When they get back together & reconcile is lovely, especially when his wife just walks in & there is the future queen. Thats crazy, i mean you would have that reaction wouldnt you. Its so well staged & after lots of heavy & deep bits before it we needed the paying the debt & a moment of normality in it all.
When we left the cinema after watching this my friend said to me, the archbishop had the devil inside him, i saw it in his eyes. I always laugh at the moment he now turns up in this film. Its Jackobi for crying out loud babes seriously. I mean he was selfish & then almost ruins it all, but he did have a point.
The whole planning the coronation & the show down is amazing. From being fun then serious & then the argument. He did never say he was a doctor he was right. But that shout off is brilliant & then for him to go BECAUSE I HAVE A VOICE to be met softly with yes you do… i well up. I know its cliché & ive seen it loads of times but i do always, it just gets me. & how it all then goes back to their normal relationship.
I love the fact that hes going to be king & is just allowed to walk around london at points still. Its like hello hes a royal, where the security team… the hell.
& then the actual speech. Oh the actual speech. Just say it to me & then he goes & he trips up on purpose at points. & if those words are actually going to come out with to start it off & if hes got the guts to do it. I mean sending men off to war & a speech isnt the best dramatic thing for the end of a film, but its just everything & to see everyone across the countrys reactions to it as well. & then it ends & that little booth is in silence & the radio producers are all applauding & everyone’s raleighing behind it too. Brilliant. So inspirational. I mean he did get inspiration from Churchill (Spall is in it for all of 3 scenes too).
But its the way that section ends, when he calls him his first name & his friend & he replies by saying your welcome your royal highness, finally with the respect & attitude the other wanted from the beginning finally being reciprocated. I welled up at that at the cinema but now i full on cry about it because its perfect & him just standing behind them out of shot as they wave on the balcony, knowing he will never really be acknowledge, but knows what hes done to help the country. Thats true friendship & loyalty.
I want the wine cellar in this movie please, if Guy could be drinking it with me that would also be a bonus.
ITs so well styled for the era & the score & cinematography suits it all so well.
Basically, this is one of the very few films with upperty people & period (even tho its recent period drama) that i actually really really really like. & if i saw it in the cinema again now i still probably would clap. Its brilliant & its caring & emotional & it tells a story about friendship & loyalty & what you are willing to do for those you care about. Its more than just a speech at the end of the movie. & thats what makes it a great film & piece of cinema.