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Well i dont want to watch the original best die hard yet this christmas so i thought id put on the second one, which isnt the best die hard lets be honest the order is
Die Hard
Die Hard with a Vengeance
Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard 2 Die Harder
A Good Day to Die Hard
so yea i thought id put on this festive offering, i mean you need a film where someone yellls HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY! dont you

So we are all in agreement this was them making money out of die hard, its not the best work & its so many bits where its just like weve done this before which are referenced & it is a little all over the place, isnt the best script & introduces some character you just dont care about. I mean you do sit there at the end when hes saved the day for almost everyone, but that one plane (im getting onto that soon) & let it snow plays & you go yea thats a good action christmas film, it gets away with being crap in so many places.

So i want to talk about the Plane that crashes (not the finale we will get to that). No i want want to talk about Windsor Airlines. One how dare they kill of the Brits, thats not fair.
Two the British Rail Joke… love that its such a thing even now that that our Trains are fucking crap & the worst in the world 30 years later
Three we all die, not fair, i mean they had to do it to prove a point but why us. & he gets so close to saving them that you think ahh they may have a chance
Four no one else sees that fireball & tries to land without seeing it like they do later…
& Five & most importantly. For the first time ever watching this (& ive seen this film a lot in my life) ive only just noticed that the Piolet in this is JUST SACK PAT! Colm Meaney!!! What the actual fuck…. epic. Why have i never noticed that before… brilliant.

The best line of the entire film, is when John Escapes the plane with the grenades & he lands & the parachute lands on top of him & he cant get out & he says WHERES THE FUCKING DOOR?! I love that, even as a kid i thought that was brilliant. So funny & clever.

So i think its impressive that the church near me is a nightclub (best hangovers ever from that place) & thats like now. Imagine converting one into a plane control room in the late 80s early 90s. The stress of doing that & getting it right, no wonder colonel Stewart told everyone to fuck off all the time. He was seriously stressed by doing that place. So clever to do it right under there noses too.

The colonel, the General & The Major are the main issue with this film other than the poor script which just keeps going back over what made the original good but calling it out & dumbing it down. Its not their fault that they are the issue. After Rickman & his gang in the previous being just the best villains in cinema history (Vader is not a villain, hes my baby girl) it had to have someone strong as the main antagonist, but none of these 3 actually do it to even half the level he did. I mean the twist that the Major is in on it all is amazing but still.

As a kid watching this for the first time, i didnt see the twist of him being in on it coming until he killed that poor kid. I was shocked & for liek a 9 year old to see that, it wasnt nice. Thats worse that the bloody feet in the first one. Also what happened to the other guy who was ill for the airport mission. He survived & his unit then all died, bet he had a lot of questions to answer later on didnt he (maybe he became Dave York… No that would make Dave too old {& im mixing universes now stop girl stop}). What life does he now have.

Come on man, its Christmas.

The General only get to the airport half way through act 2 in this. Thats a bloody long time before the reason for all this shit going down actually appears isnt it. I mean hes in it for little second up to that point but its only on him landing when its important properly.

Richard Thornburg, being more of a dick in this film that he was in the original is amazing. I love it. I really do. All to get on network. He deserves his tasering later on, but the news studio must have been like ahhhh is he dead did the plane crash what went on. I do love the fact that Holly gets Fizz for punching him in the face, happy days. Thats the kinds person we need in our life.

The icicle through an eye, is one of the most gruesome & also coolest (pun not intended but now wish it was) way to die in an action film.

The Sky Anex is gonna have an even further delayed opening now that shoot out has happened. I know they wanted to get back on line, but that was an easy trap even 9 year old me saw that coming the moment they said it.

Im glad Al is back for only 5minutes, but hes the only minor character we care about mainly from the last one. The only other bit part people i care about in the film are the three piolets on Hollys plane, they are good & i hope they got paid well for the 5 bits they were in they made it all feel real as a kid & now as an adult whos been on planes, their voices are reassuring & id like that on a plane please. The janitor guy i dont bond with either hes not there enough & yet hes deemed important enough to turn up with his buggy for the finale.

I also only learnt the other day that you assume crash position so they can easily identify the teeth should you not ignite when the plane crashes, so they can match it to your records, thats madness. Its not gonna save you at all.

Is that whats happening it Gatwick Baggage hall at the moment. Theres a shoot out going on. I mean no ones seen there bags from reclaim for ages at gatwick this summer, so i wouldnt be surprised.

okay so weve got a body thats been in the morgue, twice.

As i kid, i didnt spot the reference to the blanks in the guns. It was only after the shock twist & then him shooting the policeman when nothing happened, that i got it. As an adult its cool & is very interesting to see. but as i had seen the film plenty of times before i realised that was what was happening, it took that moment of ooooh away. I think i was 16 when i realised that.

Im not playing chicken with a fucking plane.

The final plane fight is crazy. It really is.
First he leaps onto it
Then the coat actually works to stop it from taking off (also therefore this airport has one of the longest taxis for planes ever)
then the major dies & takes out an engine, how that doesnt effect the plane or anything else on it makes me go like the hell definitely a loss of performance there, no way are they getting to the tropics.
The mention that the wing is fully fuelled.. no shit sherlock
He then easily loses the fight
no one notices the fuel dropping & then hes all casual as he says the iconic line of Yipee Ki Yay Mother Fucker while getting his lighter out
& then the fire leap is crazy, just madly crazy, would it really do that. I mean i dont want to test that ever peoples, im not up for that, but would that happen.

& then the Iconic screaming the word HOLLY in the snow. hahahahahahahahahahah love it.

Also all those planes that then do attempt to land, all can do it perfectly in the snow that no ones dealt with for ages. & they all land all over the place.

IT is a shambles & it is the 2nd worst die hard movie, but because its iconic & apart of such a well loved franchise & because its always been there you just forgive it for all its sins, well i do any hell. Ahh to hell with it, ITS CHRISTMAS.

Well worth a watch at christmas, but put on the original instead peoples, its much more worth your time to earn 20% while sitting on a beach.

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