Spoilers… Duh it’s a Bond film.
Iv skipped a couple of Bond movies in honour of the great Christopher Lee, the likes of which we will never see again. A true legend.
Mr Scaramanga is Bonds greatest opponent & villain he was the only one who got close to him. The Third Nipple is really weird it gives a serious character, something laughable to make him into a joke act. Something which it didnt need. Bonds fake Nipple when he trys to gain trust of people is really stupid, despite it actually working.
Nick Nack is a brilliant side kick, i do feel sorry for him though he knows hes going to inherit the wealth & house when Scaramanga dies, but then when he does Bond blows it up in his face. No wonder he then tried to kill him on the boat, which Bond, again, stole. Putting him in a suitcase is funny though.
What’s up with the theme song it’s shit. Whoever decided on this must have also chosen the Alicia Keys one. It’s crap. It’s Lulu well then of course it’s bad. A better song needed for an amazing film.
Bond girls will always be an issue for innuendo, and bad acting, and sexism. I have now just got used to it though. The belly dancer is a waste of time. Its very gross that she has the built from 002 as her lucky charm in her belly. Its sickening actually.
Anders & Goodnight are poor characters im sorry, but they are. i know Bonds meant to get the girl & be the hero etc, but its just bad. Both deserve an unhappy ending, shame it only happened to one of them.
A quick mention goes to Q branch, for blowing up a wall for no reason.
Bond always end up Hong Kong. Seriously like every other film it’s crazy. Even in recent bond films hes there, can we go somewhere else in the world please.
Iv always wanted to use the line follow that car. Bond gets to its so cool. I don’t think this is ever going to happen to me.
The Karate, Judo, Tikuando ( or however you spell it) thing, does show case a lot of skill. It wasnt really needed, i guess we needed something to get us to the boat race. Bond does cheat though showing no respect to local customs or knowledge. If he’d done that now it would be all over the papers.
The Car Jump…. thats all i really need to say, that and WOW! Still makes me go oh that is so cool each time i see it.
Why do they not use music on the background all the time to cause suspense? Its really weird to hear just the car noises.
In the end like all Bond films it links to the start, where Bond was trying to solve the energy crisis, which ultimately leads him back to Scaramanga, who has just stolen it from them & killed the chairman of the board. So starts the showdown, between the two.
Ultimately this is a Bond film so you know hes going to win, and kill Scaramanga, but the maze through the house, to make him run out of bullets so that Scaramanga can sneak the victory is brilliant. It is though his obsession with Bond that gets him killed as he has a waxwork of him in his maze, which Bond swaps himself with. Crafty bugger.
Hes not my favourite Bond Roger Moore, but i think this is maybe my favourite Bond film. Im going to leave with an quote from the man with the golden gun himself.
6 bullets to your one… i only need one!