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My sister for my birthday gave me a pile of films i need to watch which ive moaned that i cant find on any of the streaming services i have, & this one is her second favourite film ever (after the Truman Show) so i think its time to embrace the spotless mind dont you. I am so looking forward to this. Ive wanted to watch it for the last 5 years but its so hard to come by. & since ive seen this & now own it you can now view it on netflix, it was like they knew i had it & waited for me to have it before uploading it.

Its a Gondry film… i studied him for my a level in photography… that explains a lot

So as a film buff it was bad that i worked out the the start was actually at the end of the film at the beginning, i kind of worked that out & was like ahhh this is something yet to happen. however that didnt ruin the ending at all. Because you sit there & you watch them disappear & become different people & lose their memories & despite all of that & everything that happens they are drawn together & despite the crap they still sit there & go yea i need you. Thats the only kind of relationship that anyone could ever want. It was perfect. It was like they were each others sunshine, it just worked.

Winslet was up for best actress in this which was so highly deserved, it is her best performance ive seen, it was so mesmerising & beautiful & sweet & sad & so personal. IT just hit home as someone trying to struggle & sort themselves out. Only to accept how fucked up they actually are & realise thats okay. However Carrey wasnt… what the actual hell. Im sorry the story doesnt work without each other & it just feels weird to nominate one & not the other. They both make you laugh & hurt so much.

I did not know the Gruffalo was in this, so much so that when he appeared i messaged my sister going why didnt you tell me. I mean hes really young in this, but he is still bloody good. That was a nice surprise.

No one else was concerned that because they were so busy they had to go & remove his memories at home… Thats a big red flag, it really really is. I mean it does work but there are so many points where it almost doesnt & so much random shit goes down while he is asleep.

As someone whos obsessed with sleep dreams & memories (theres more than one reason as to why Inceptions is the greatest film in the world, but that all helps) i really wanted to know did they just get rid of them or edit them? I know it cant be done in the real world (training yourself to do lucid dreams is hard enough) but its a very interesting concepts & i love how it went in reverse too with all the memories. So cleverly done to see this mind disintegrate, but still struggle to hold on to it all to see what makes him him.

We only see the reverse through his eyes, it would have been nice to have seen a little bit more through heres, as to how it should have really been done without the distractions, but maybe that adds to the instant draw back together after all they had both done.

Sitting on that lake was beautiful & lovely. I really enjoyed that. I was scared they were going to fall through but it was lush. It made me hug cocktail & pull my blanket over me & get cosy, a proper aww yeah this is adorable moment. They got that moment right & it has become iconic.

Elijah trying to be him & recreate the memories & moment to win her over as he fancies her was freaky & a bit strange & odd & unsettling, but i guess you would do that to be with the person you want the most. It kind a worked too & you were happy when she wasnt entirely happy as well. IT was proving the point.

I did keep wondering what Kirsten had more to do that just fancy the Gruffalo (which is fair enough especially in the early 00s), but then it revealed that she had an affair with Tom Wilkinson & i was like shut the fuck up, i did not see that coming & then every single thing made sense & i knew i was right about the films opening. It didnt always work fully & that there was always something lingering. I bloody loved that moment as everyones world crashed around them in reality.

As much as i was sitting there going shes broken GDPR she was right to get her revenge if her memories were altered against her will. I was so happy she did that, & yes i get that it probably fucked up a lot of other peoples lives about their memories & life but still, they had the right to know. It was a brilliant fuck you moment.

When hes the baby & surpassing the childhood trauma & letting go thats brilliant. Its completely whacky, but the film did need it at that exact moment just to prove that there is more going on here that we all think. Some stunning acting & visuals in that scene. I love it. One of the best scenes in cinema in the early 00s defiantly.

&then returning to the beach where they first met as everything leaves them both finally, that hurt. I wanted him to hang on to that last memory & the prefect day, it hurt but that voice echoing saying to go find her was lush & that broke my heart (even tho id already worked out he had). Its just one of those moments you know has to happen to get the realisation at the end where they then decided you know what lets do this again.

The styling of the film & the cinematography is just so on point throughout. I mean nothing beats the frozen lake but it just feels right with the score & the way its portrayed. ITs a real journey of discovery.

So the film ended & i had a couple of deep breaths & messaged my sister & said i cant wait to watch it again & she just sent me a screaming omg voice note finally. So ive got a feeling every time we now have a film night one of us will mention this to the other.

I loved it. I really really did love it. When someone askes you to watch a film they love, they give you a little part of their soul. She tells people to see this, i tell people to see moon &we have both improved other peoples lives by recommending them & we now both recommend both.

Lush movie perfect for a blanket comfort on a friday night. Cheers littleun.

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