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I am of the opinion that you should judge these film as one, its one book therefore its one story & i manged to watch them both without another film in-between. So here we go time to get your wands ready, everyones going to die & theres gonna be a lot of Horcruxes to destroy. It Ends…. for now. Potter lets do this or my father will hear about this.

Despite this being split into two films & almost having a 5h run time, it still misses out a few crucial bits from the film. I know its on the dvd extras petunias final good bye & they couldnt just have them walking around for fricken ages but both of that would have been good. Also Potter using Polyjuice at the wedding would have been good, no real Lupin explanation about him & Tonks & how he wanted to join the three of them.

In the book at the end of act thee when its the final showdown Harry & Voldemort Spa & the words that come out of their mouths are absolutely fantastic & i remember reading that about a year before the film came out sitting in france drinking wine going ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh this is going to be so good on the big screen. & they dont use it. I mean theres references to it through the fight but nah it doesnt resound as well as the books did. So much so that when i saw the film in the cinema i came back & read that part again because i want that to be how it ends. Also the breaking of the elder wand…. nah fuck that mate.

The other thing i hate is the point where they decide to split it. It should happen at the exact point the snatchers up in the forest when they are triggered before thye are taken to Malfoy manor. But no we go to Malfoy manor & kill off Dobby before we stop. Them being chased with the snatchers turning up would have been much better. Imagine them chasing them into the woods & spells casting & one flying past the screen & it turning to black like ahhh whos been hit & going oh you stop it there the hell. & then the next film with Harry hitting the deck & you realise its Hermione to save them all. That a much better cut off. Again when i read that point in the book i was like yes thats where it needs to stop.

Malfoy doesnt stop half way through his walk either, & then the Malfoys arent at the great hall at the end like the books either.

Wormtails death makes me very angry… thats all im going to say other wise we will be here for about 4hours while i moan about it. But yea that pisses me off beyond belief.

One more book thing that i need to say ( then i will try to stop). When Snape died in the book i cried & then the chapter with his memories & the reveal i cried & again we were on holiday in france & i think i was in the garden while the parents were doing a bbq & i think i sobbed at them more wine & everyone came & hugged me when i told them while i was crying. The film never made me cry, never… but now because of Rickmans early passing, i cry because i just want to watch him one last time & say thankyou for running as the greatest villain actor ever (sorry Ben, you are second babes). Snape is the ultimate anti hero & it hurts so much watching him go.

Ralph Fiennes is the MVP in these films as Voldy. Hes brilliant. Every time he waves that wand its petrifying & scary & he nailed it & it was so compelling. I know its all about Potter but your only as good a hero as your villain, & him & his horcrux are amazing. Shame he had to have such a cgi death. I get why they did it to prove he had no soul, but it could have been better.

Im glad we included the basilisk scene, that was nice & clever & meant a lot. It proved how far they had come since the first horcrux all those years ago when they didnt realise what they were doing. I mean the movie kiss is a little awkward but if he is basically your brother that youve grown up on set with it would be odd, but it does work so much.

The entire section at the ministry of Magic is amazing, i love that. There is so much drama & random stuff going on (& Dave Coaches hehe) but that was exactly how i imagined it, even down to the im sorry you must not tell lies (proving the message did sink in) its brilliant & its one of the best set piece of the film it really is.

The flight to the burrow i understand we have to make sure harry gets there in one piece, but we only see a brief glimpse of what happening else where in the fight. Even 1 minute of watching that with the wand spell light show would have been epic & not just 8 seconds. We needed more. I mean we get a night time battle at the castle later but still.

Rhys Ifans is perfectly cast as Lunas dad & that house & the shit that goes on there. & the tea & the introduction of the hallows too at that point so far into a series. Thats another set of McGuffins to find other than horcruxes with only 15chapters or one film to go. Thats like introducing the concept of infinity stones in black panther knowing weve got to have them all by the end of infinity war. Its mad. When i read that i was like what something else to find im two thirds of the way through the final book & you tell me this now urghhhhhhhhh.

The church scene is very heart-breaking, i dont cry but its just so nice, that they just have that moment of reflection &he gets to be in his parents presence for all of 2mins to mourn them. I know when Ron returns thats meant to be emotional too, but as we all know they are destined to end up together, it doesnt have as big an impact as it should have done.

I love the three brothers tale & how well its animated & created. Its a complete step away from the rest of the film & is such a come down & moment compared to the rest of the madness in these films. Its beautifully illustrated & so well told.

Hello to Jason Isaacs…

The death eater dinner table is so eerie & spooky its properly Goosebumps moment, but nothing in any of these films is as scary as when Nagini leaps out of the floor boards. I knew it was coming when i went to the cinema to see it & hid my face & still leapt up & i remember when my parents watched it for the first time my mum was like why are you looking away & i just stayed hid & then the snake leapt & she went about 8ft up in the air. It still freaks me out, maybe thats why i dont to horror. Bloody snakes. As a Slytherin i should appreciate them, i mean i do, i just want them to do there own thing & leave me alone.

They really brought Gary Oldman back just to say the line, that its quicker to fall asleep that die. I mean im happy they did but still.

So i remember being reading the 4th book & reading something very minimal & sitting there & running down stairs to tell my parents omg Neville is the chosen one & them both being like ha nice try love. Then it was hidden in plane sight in number 5 & then when he saves the day & gets the last horcrux & the sword of Gryffindor in 7 & i just shouted i fucking told you so. So im glad they didnt fuck that up in the film either. He got to be an action hero, blow some shit up, give a rallying cry, get the sword & kill that bloody snake. Im so glad they didnt muck that up. He needed his moment to prove he was the one they should have always been concerned about & that being normal was just as important as being the chosen one. Bloody good day for us normal people everywhere. Happy bloody days.

The battle of Hogwarts we have to go to so many place & theres so much going on that you only really see an animated battle of it & the cgi. The fights are all merged into one. I know there is a lot to go & we need to go find various McGuffin horcruxes & hollows but still, the fight is more used for getting main characters for a to be if im honest. McGonagall does get to use her favourite spell tho bless her. & his name is Voldemort, you may as well use his name as hes going to try to kill you wither way. Loved that. Shed had enough of everyones shit she really had.

You have your mothers eyes, however the childhood lilly has completely different eyes to older lilly & then harry, someone in casting must have been black listed for getting that so wrong.

Hermione saw Mary Fricken Poppins yall & went i can do that with my bag too.

It take Harry a long time to work out that he is a Horcrux doesnt it. I mean he should have worked that out when he & Ron got rid of the locket at the latest. He wasnt that clever was he. He should have really worked it out when he touched that ring in the previous film ideally.

I would freak out every time the someone else spoke in side my head too, how are they all so calm when its the 2nd & 3rd time? are they trained to do that at school also no one else sees the visions.

The room of requirement has so many easter eggs inside it, its crazy. I bloody love it. I would list them all but we will be here for about 2h, all im gonna say is the pixies sir ken had flying out, i laugh at that each time.

I know the book ends 19 years later which is always emotional, but for the sake of the film the three of them on the bridge was a perfect ending & i felt a little like really we are going to the future, nah i dont want that. The three of them thinking of the future would have been good.

That being said the fact that the baby in the philosopher stone, its Albus Severus Potter on the going back to Hogwarts while they all get on the train is brilliant. What a good thing to do & remember.

So as much as ive moaned that it missed stuff from the book, what i watch always makes me so happy & sad & full of pride & reminds me that Hogwarts is my home. It is the perfect ending to my childhood, not just because they were my books, but because it was made when i was the correct age & those little kids are the same age as me. I will always feel like i am apart of that wizarding family, its a huge part of my life… ALWAYS!

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