I decided a couple of weeks ago to re-watch all of Harry Potter & the Wizarding World in order, after creating my Harry Potter corner in my bedroom of my new flat. Obviously ive already reviewed 1 to 5 on my blog, & both fantastic beast films, so you will be getting 6 ,7a & 7b as separate reviews, not a big bonanza. So bring this on. Its been a while since ive seen this one, im really looking forward to it.
I feel like i say this about all the Potter films especially from 4 onwards, but they miss out some really important stuff from the book in this film & it lacks because of it. That was why i was so happy the finale was split into two movies ( which you will be getting in the same review as you have to watch them as a duo), but there are some bits in this one which are just like, i want to watch it all. come on movie. Maybe a TV show of Harry Potter would be better…
The main bug bear is Dumbledore’s Death… & dont you dare say you didnt know Dumbledore died, seriously peoples. In the book Harry has magic cast on him as he leaves under his invisibility cape, which means he cant move or make a noise & as much as he hears & sees anything, he realised he can move just as the light leaves snapes wand. In the film, because Dumbledore has spent the whole film going trust Snape, he decides to do it & that then leads to his death &he just stood there & let it happen. Nah fuck that. I love the Potter films, but this is one of their biggest mistakes they have made by quite a long way.
& then not having the funeral, im livid at that. I get that the vast empty great hall speaks volume, but so much stuff is sorted out at the funeral, which we just dont address, like Ginny & Harry, the horcrux’s the other people saying to Harry hes our only hope, nah we just skip that.
We also only see the flash back of riddle for certain parts of the plot. We learn so much as to why he was who he was from the bits that were missed out. I mean yes we need to get the slughorn relationship, but still. I was looking forward to seeing that on the screen, but not they dont. It also shows more of Dumbledore’s motives too.
We also dont meet the British Prime Minister like we do in the book, where the muggle world starts to realise there maybe just more than them in it. This could have easily been the case especially with the jubilee bridge being attacked, it could have mentioned it then even if its just the minister for magic going ive spoken to the PM about this. missed opportunity.
oh & we dont learn properly about Tonks & lupin (more about that in the next one tho).
okay i think im done with moaning about stuff missing from the book. Right onto the film.
Hermione’s face when Harry is better at her at potions is amazing. It truly is a but im the clever one how date you mate, your already the chosen one. & then when he says that later & she slaps him for saying it, i love that.
I love how it explores the core threes existing relationships, especially by giving Ron a love interest. I think it not only shows how they have aged in the films, but also how the actors have grown over the years & how these little kids are now dealing with some really dark adult themes both in fantasy & in real personal life, forget all the magic.
We didnt need to blow up the Weasley house that badly & then for it to be back 100% in the next film. Yes i know magic, but still. We didnt need that. It was like ahhh have we still got a budget to do that, yea lets blow that up. The lake bit is so cool, but there so much quick movement & death eaters flying about that it all feels a little blurred & like hang on which side am i on here. Its a key part of the film, but filmed poorly that its several viewing before you realise exactly what does go down.
ooh back to book moaning, we dont meet Bill Weasley until the next film, when he is key to this story about him possibly becoming a werewolf (not swearwolf) & that harry already knows him.
Snape making the unbreakable vow with Malfoys mum (bloody miss Helen) is lovely & very simple but done perfectly. Couldnt have shoot that 2min scene better in my imagination.
Liquid luck could have been used to a much greater potential than it is. When he drank it all & didnt leave that final third for Ron & Hermione, i knew that we werent going to have the mini battle of hogwarts liek we did in the book, which meant the final show between Harry & Snape didnt have the same effect.
Malfoy should have properly been the antagonist in this, he really should have but he wasnt. All of his tricks were in place to make him a pure villain, but nah they make him too soft. Jason had done too good a job of bullying him in the previous films, it means his turn in the next 2 films isnt as hard hitting as it could be. Reading it, it hit & it worked in 7 after reading & seeing all of this in 6. The bathroom battle was still cool tho.
Ron your making it snow. Im glad they kept that in. Thats one of my favourite lines from the book too.
Going to get the horcrux, is amazing. Its only what a 15min scene of the movie, but there is so much random magic & random stuff going on & then the fight for survival & aparating (we dont learn that they are learning that in this & then in the next film they all just can?). I love the forcing to drink the liquid, i love that. However why didnt they just throw it away? seriously? there was no sign to say this has to be drunk why not pour it on the stones?
Hagrids hut catching fire does make sense, it really does, its another kick in the balls for Harry. That would have had more of an impact that destroying the burrow, but because they already did that, it lessen that.
See my problem being a Potter head, is i still love this film, but i also love the books & i just wish it was more like the book & we had longer to sit & mull over & look at everything. Thats why i pick holes in it, because it needs to be perfect, which is why i like 3 & 4 & 7 as a collective.
Its still bloody lush tho.
Right lets move on to the finale bonanza then shall we…