This has been in my head to watch over the last couple of week. Im not sur why. Maybe because the new one was on TV recently & watching Ben made me think of Rickmans performance in this. So yea this is my sunday night movie lets do it.
So the film started & yes i do have a big tv i get that but i put the DVD in & it started in a box in the middle of the screen taking up about 2 thirds of it with black edging. & i was like ahh this is just the titles. Nah it wasnt it was the whole film. I changed my tv settings & the dvd setting & did everything nope, it was like that for the whole film. Oh well. That my fault for having it on DVD isnt it.
So i always sit here & as ive mentioned above Ben Mendelsohn is the worlds best bad guy at the moment in cinema. He really is. If you need a villain, get Ben. However Ben jogs because Rickman Ran. I know thats not the correct analogy however, no one will ever be Rickman. He was the best & his sheriff of Nottingham is pure evil. Costner was pissed off with how long his death takes in that final scene, but he should have really been pissed off with the film that should have raised him into the stratosphere was stolen from him by the bad guy. I mean he got some epic lines, he really did. I know as a villain you get more of a chance to go over the top, but Rickman understood the assignment & his Sheriff is stunning & its one of the best bad guy performances in cinema ever.
Costner i can see why women at the time did go oh yes. I mean personally hes not my cuppa tea, even in that waterfall moment where everyone just stares at him for what feels like 5minutes, but i can see why. I mean the accent isnt always on the right page. Its goes off at times. But you do sit there worried hes either not going to do it or be thwarted more than he already has been. Hes good at the set pieces & the fights too, youve got to get the right if your Robin Hood, you really do.
Morgan Freemans new character at the time was good, i mean ive seen some crap films in my time which Morgan Freeman can make epic just be speaking, but this was nice to see him do something completely different & out of stereotype of being the man in power or in charge. IT was refreshing.
All of 20 seconds of Connery as King Richard & 1minute worth of Brian Blessed. I mean both were important to be established British names, but still very little screen time. I imagine when the film was made this was kept quiet & when those reveals happened people must have been like oooh wow really thats cool. Oh what it was like to live in a world where spoilers or cameos wouldnt get out.
You mean to tell me he walked all the way from Dover to Nottingham, bollocks!
Giving the churches all that power & influence now seems odd, but back in these days it was important to them & was all about the funding of them & the people for them. I mean those churches & the bleakness in amongst the richness & poorness of the place was very of the time. I mean the best church is the one in the forest at the end, but throwing him out the vesture window was epic. I mean im guessing Friar Tuck was condemned then too.
Gouge his heart out with a spoon.
Christian Slater doesnt get to much to do other then be jealous, until we get to the third act, but up to that point do you care about his character until that reveal that his Will Scarlett is his brother. & then once hes been saved from death he becomes irrelevant again. Thats not good character growth to get none at all & then lots in 10minutes & then nothing at all again, nah not good.
Sherwood Forrest is just so beautiful. It really is. That rope swing to get from the top & all those bridges & how they just adapt & make it their own & become the myth that we all know. Bang on. to a T. They really do nail its creation with a montage & then its destruction at the end of the second act. I love that they think they are all safe & then bang the fire arrives & all hell brakes loose.
Some of the deaths & torture scenes are properly grim & horrendous, but they would have been at the time, so thats true to sorts. I mean the fact they actually show the mass hanging is executions of everyone (even tho they stop it) but thats still bloody dark. I mean as far as wedding gifts go, thats one of the worst definitely.
Ive not even mentioned Maggie Smith have i as some weird witch which makes no sense at all other than a couple of peoples vision & then by the time she meets up with Morgan, youve forgotten all about that from earlier you really have.
The song, everything i do i do it for you is still the longest reigning number one song in the UK of all time, i mean its good, but its an occasional cord of it played through the film, its never really played in full even as an instrumental. Its the boat in the mist when its played the most & then the end before it actually goes into the credits. It is a good song but is it that good, nah.
So were all meant to believe he did a c section on her & she was fine like 2 days time to escape the fire & then a week later to storm the castle. Nah mate no way. I mean its nice way to say how this was introduced into the world but still.
The final storm of the castle is brilliant. Its the best bit of the film. Forget the rive fight or the take down of the forest, from the moment they start planning to Rickmans death ( which is epic as i keep mentioning{hes still going now bless him}) its the best 20mins of the film. & a lot happens before all of this but it is just sooo good, it really really is. The way its filmed the acting & the styling & the sheer panic to get it done & save the girl & how they have to improvise there rescue attempts so many times.
ITs still a bloody good film, despite the fact it only took up 2 thirds of my screen. But a film is only as good as its villain isnt it, if you dont agree we cant be besties anymore. Rickman is the powerhouse of this film & it should be called the Sheriff of Nottingham instead.