I havent seen this film since i saw it in the cinema with my friends. & was madness then. So im expecting it to be madness now. I also want to watch Mark Strong be a lead for once & not a side kick.
I also at the start of the euros said i would watch this film once England were out of the euros, thinking ah thats only a 2 week wait. Yesterday we lost in the final on penalties (Rashford, Sancho & Saka we love you) so it is now time to do it as the whole country is in a very miserable mood. This will make me smile.
Its ridiculous it really is, the story, how they go about it & whos in it & what happens. The entire thing is beyond ridiculousness but is that going to stop me enjoying it & laughing my head off no its not.
Sacha is epic as Nobby. I mean i know he wrote the role for himself but still. Youve still got to make it believable havent you. & his madness so works with Marks sensible spy Sebastian, hes brilliant & is a triumph as a lead & not just a bit part. It just is a double act that should never work but so so so does beyond belief.
We need to talk the elephant in the room, which is the elephant scene where they enter the elephants vagina to hide from the people tracking them, but shes in season & every single male elephant wants to have sex with her & they basically have to keep wanking them off. Its not a nice thing to see on you tv screen but you are to busy laughing & going oh god that is just so gross & horrific that you just sit there watching it with tears rolling down your face. Awkward but executed & pulled off so well (pun not intended but now i see thats bloody clever hehe).
The aids thing is worse that the elephant if im honest. I mean you could see where it was going when it first happens & just go oh god noooooooo & then when they go to the world cup final & it ends up appearing again you just go noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo even more. The people involved in it too, oh god.
Every british actor is in that pub scene arent they every single last one of them. & i love the fact they put on the side of the pub welcome home to our favourite spy shhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats brilliant. That would be something that we would so do. Call it a hunch haha. All those kids & people of Grimsby who help them escape too. However they all end up at the world cup final too, how the heck did they get their tickets for that, its impossible trust me.
Until about 3 years ago, the idea of England getting to a world cup final would have been the nah never would happen moment in this film, but with our current squad you know what its bloody possible. Okay we did just lose to Italy in the euros but it was pens. Thats now actually possible in 15 months time that we can do it.
Putting the virus in fire works very clever, im surprised no ones else has done that, unless they have & thats how people got covid & not from a bat. I mean the way of stopping them was a bit much but its a Cohen film, it was always going to have a ridiculous ending wasnt it.
keeping his bedroom for the day he eventually found his brother was brilliant & so sweet it really really was.
Some of the chases & action pieces are actually good. I mean were not talking Bourne or Bond, but they are pretty slick & stylish for a comedy spoof film which doesnt take itself seriously. I guess they got to make the spy bit seem real havent they. So good on them for spending the time on getting them right.
Some of the jokes are very well times especially when Nobby starts shooting people, & that seagull. I mean gun crime shouldnt be laughed at but still, its cleverly done. Some jokes are slow burner & some are repeated later on but when they are it makes a lot of sense as to why that one thing we saw earlier that was a throw away, actually was really useful to a joke later on. Hes always very good at that.
I know its not the best film in the world but today when the whole country is on a downer (& we really are) this was perfect for todays viewing, it really was. I enjoyed it & laughed my head off, yea i did need this. Good choice Emile.