Ive reviewed this film on here before you can see it here but im not sure theres much more for me to add, but i will do my best. Basically ive just got home from my dads birthday & fathers day celebration which was fun as not only was it all of that but it was the first time all 5 of us have been in the same room for more than 10 minutes since my birthday last October, so im in a happy mood so i want to concentrate but i want to keep the vibe going of just feeling yeaaaaa.
So i remember going to someone birthday party & while we were having dinner, in the background gladiator was on & i dont really remember watching it, but i do remember there were some bits where i was like oooh this is good this is actual proper acting & realising it was special. I think we then turned it off & put Mulan on instead (we were 10 or 11). But whenever i see the start of this film, i think of that moment & go ahh yea birthday partys. So its this that probably unlocked the cinema character in my NPC.
It has such beautiful cinematography, it really does. The little details, that sand is so dry (i know its sand but you know it looks like everyone has walked on it) the coliseum, the light & shade that darkness at points when they are held. It all just works it really is a masterpiece.
If you are in a room at the point where hes about to give that speech (husband to a murdered son {i mean i didnt need to type that you all know it}) then you have to stop, you cant just walk past. You stand there & stop & cheer when he says he will have his revenge. Its spectacular. Its bloody brilliant acting.
I mean no one has a crap performance in this film nobody, seriously even the horses & the extras just randomly cheering are epic.
I think when i watched my parents copy the had the extended directors cut addition of it, which is why it went on so long. I dont i have the normal version but still. I mean the directors cut is bloodier & the battles do go on for longer & the opening part where they end the war almost takes 40minutes & not 25.But im happy with the standard addition.
I really dont know what else to say. Gladiator is now deemed a classic as its been out long enough (which makes me feel old). & its just brilliant. How can you not be entertained by it? Speechless. This is a work of art & cinematography & acting & story telling. Ridley should have stopped after this. He cant match it.