I love the MCU, i am kinda obsessed with it. Super Heroes are just the bees knees. That being said… this is an action film not a super hero film.
The action scenes are just amazing. The shaky camera, going into the fights close. The car chases that you kind of wonder how anyone walks out of them alive. The twists as to who the real bad guy is. If Steve Rodgers had said his name was Bond Steve Bond, it would have not felt out of place. In the past Captain America has been used as a set up for Avengers Assemble, and as the Avenger you weren’t that bothered about in that film. But here he come into his own, and despite the end credit scene, which i will get to in a bit, which sets you up for the next avengers, you think that this film can stand alone without the rest of the MCU.
There was one issue with this film, which was kind of my own fault, and no theirs. I watch agents of shield on TV each week, so i knew that hydra were going to take charge and Nick Fury was going to die & then come back with his freaky eye. So that did spoil it for me, however it did add to my enjoyment trying to work out how they were going to set this up in the film. Also did Fury go to Tahiti??? Its a Magical Place.
The Black Widow and Falcon are well used. They don’t feel like spare parts in this film, they are integral to the story, when iv watched iron man, his friends seem a bit like, well tony is going to need some help so we will throw these people in, much like the warriors 3 in the Thor films. Here the supporting cast is well received and given enough screen time & a meaningful story that you do care about them making it to the end of the film.
Now the Winter Soldier, 1) how did he survive that fall, 2) why did he not just say happy to comply to restart himself like everyone else at hydra does 3) why did no one notice him in that museum at the end bit 4) why did he suddenly develop feelings for Steve despite not knowing who he was. It was all a bit random but he was well played and i wouldn’t want to cross him.
Are people from Hydra now the new storm troopers? they cant hit or kill anything no matter how hard they try, unless they are Robert Redford, which was amazing casting he was brilliant. But seriously when they are all in that lift not one of them kills or properly injures Steve. That missile and the army they send to the bunker that didn’t work, and no one on those airships puts up a real fight. Seriously hydra get some new people.
Right Toby Jones becoming AI in that computer just freaked me out, what was all that about. I know it was a trap or anything but he basically gave the game up and explained Hydras plan, which had been developing for years. Then why not send more missiles to kill Steve & Natasha, not just the one they did. Here’s an idea don’t tell them the whole plan and then let them walk away from it relatively unscathed. Make sure you kill them first. All films do this its not just this one, and by now we all know they will get away. For once i would like even if its not the main character, to be severely injured or killed just to make them go on a rampage for revenge.
Right End credit scene. We meet quick silver and scarlet witch, which is nice, despite not properly meeting them. So are they going to be part of hydra or Ultron or an avenger? that’s confusing. But the thing im concerned about it… THEY HAVE LOKI’S SEPTER??? WHAT
How did they get it?why did they get it?are they part of his Army now? Does Loki know they have it? Is the teseract in it? So many questions so few answers.. TELL ME!!!!
Over all this is a well shot plot driven action film, which just about Lives in the Super hero world. Well done MCU you’ve made a classic that sits on its own, even from its original first avenger film. Lets hope the Avengers and Civil War, live up to this Standard… Hail Hydra.