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The other week when i couldnt decide what to watch this was one of the options i had & every time ive seen a film since ive considered watching Isle of Dogs at the same time, so tonight i just am, i cant avoid it anymore. Its time to watch some Anderson madness & just smile throughout.

Wes Anderson is an acquired taste i am fully aware of it. Its bonkers its mad & it randomly throughs you off about half way through usually, or goes off track. This one does the same, but you so just go with & it just feel the vibe & just go yeah im up for this trip its going to be cool & it just makes me smile & laugh.

The animation & detail in some of the scenes especially the sciencey ones or the plotting to kill people is very clever & very cool. Some films dont go to some of those levels of details & it just feels right & fits. Some times film do go into so much detail but because its animated, it is so on purpose but so fits with everything else it just works.

Why if he loved cats did he give his ward a support body guard dog? Ive never quite got that, its always been the thing that throws me.

The dogs on the island are all cool especially when you meet them for the first garbage fight, thats very clever & cool & the perfect way to sum up exactly what we are going to watch & view going forward. But the main 5 dogs are just fantastic, especially the rumour dog hes the best. I mean i love them all but he hears more rumours than F1 twitter or sky sports news on deadline day. They have a brilliant dynamic & all have the correct person voicing them to match the personality. Well cast, especially with Cranston as the main.

The oracle dog, who just basically watches TV, wonderful. & that owl why does he still stick around.

I love that Chief is always out voted & then just told well you got to go along with it. Its like me & my girls at quiz night when im out voted on an answer as im only 85% sure they out vote me 4 to 1 & then we get the answer wrong. I mean some of the situations are just standard but some are hilarious especially when you think those dogs are going to die.

Even as a puppy called nutmeg scarlet was only brought in to be a love interest & then not be up to here full potential, such a shame.

I love that its all said to be spoken in their languages expect the dogs who are English, & then theres always an interpreter near by to translate, except for Atari but as the lead person that makes sense, & it also makes sense that you dont understand him too, even the dogs moan about not understanding him until he says sit or issues some puppy snaps. Bloody love that kid. No way would he have survived the crash tho.

The robot dogs are clever & it is an interesting way to see what the mayor would do but still, i mean there are times where you are like uhoh not good the robots are here.

Atari going on that ride as hes not the right height & chief trying to stop him was brilliant.

I really didnt see that Chief was going to be relate to Spots, i didnt see that coming at all until he washed him. Does beg the question had he ever been rained on as surly some of the muck would have come off him, unless Atari bleached him.

half way through with the conspiracy theory & someone else realising shits going on is very clever to re ramp up the tension, especially after the scientists death. okay yes you suddenly have a load of new people to meet at a random stage in the film, but it does suddenly make it a ooooh whos going to expose them first or will any of them be able to do it.

The haiku is sweet & lovely at the end but i think it could have ended there at that point. I mean the next 5 mintues are still good (except for the a city is no being run by teenagers) but it would have been more fitting to end there. Then again id have never seen a kidney transplant in an animation, which really was cleverly done. It was nice everyone got a happy ending.

Its a very sweet funny film which really makes me smile, some stunning animation & its full of heart & love. ITs got suspense too at points so whats not to like about it. YEs Wes Anderson as i said earlier isnt everyones cup of tea but hes mine & i really really like this film.

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