Every now and then a RomCom or Romance film is up my street. I usually cry a lot while watching them and have an emotional break down.
I hadn’t seen this film, but had wanted to but when it originally came out in the cinema, i wasn’t well so didnt go with my friend to see it. Im glad i didnt as i did cry quiet a bit last night watching it. However there is an issue.
There is this humongous plot hole of the entire film.
If you woke up from a coma with no memory and Channing Tatum was sitting opposite you & said he was your husband, you would believe him right? Even my mum said oh yes. So what is Rachel McAdams thinking? Seriously if i woke up and there was someone that hot & handsome & charming opposite me sitting there crying telling me he was my husband & that we are married, im saying yes please. I know hes playing a role in the film, and that Channing may not be like that in real life, but come on girls, you agree with me, right?
Also when her parents turn up you know something dodgy has happened in her past when her dad is Sam Neill. Come on even Cillian Murphy & the dinosaurs dont trust him and think bad of him, so dont suddenly assume everything is okay in your home life.
I agree that meeting all her friends again was a huge step. I dont like being the centre of attention either, so that with your memory loss and people you dont know, would be far too much for me too.
One thing that irritates me about these kind of films is that no one ever has a proper job that can pay the bill, yet they all live in these amazing apartments, living perfect lives and dont actually go to work. How? how? HOW???? here they own a recording studio and an art cave, wtf!? and yet they have this large quirky ground floor apartment. Its not just this film its all these films. it winds me up that they have this life that they didnt really work for.
The ex-boyfriend did deserve a punch oh big time. He had it coming. Channing was right to cock block him. He got what he deserved, and i hope the other girl he dumped to get back with Paige, didnt take him back.
The recreating the first date looked so much fun. That idea would be something i would want to do, but i would be worried it would never be as good as the first.
The ending of the film is perfect though, she realises why she left her old life behind & starts to re build her new life, and ends up meeting Channing again, after finding her wedding vows, as friends and then they can build new memory’s together. Well at least i think that was what was going on i was crying again at this stage.
This is a lovely romantic film, i still find it hard to believe that you wouldn’t accept him as your husband, . You can believe they work as a couple, and in any film with a love story, that needs to be the thing that works, otherwise it would collapse. Well done people good film. I will need more tissues next time.