This is officially the first DVD i have watched in my new flat…… ahhhhhh yes i own property i know omg. I’ve not yet got a ps4 here & my dvd player is still at my parents so ive got my sisters old one to start with to keep me going. By god it makes a racket of a noise. Mine will come down when i put the TV up in my room but until then it may as well all stay in one place really. Makes sense.
So im starting with Passengers which will be fun. Its been a few years since i last saw any of this so lets hope its as good as i remember.
This is a good film. I am saying that now before i moan about its one huge issue. Its lineal. It goes from the day of the accident until 4 months before they arrive on the new earth. Thus there is no suspense to the audience when Aurora is told that she was woken up by Jim. It should have been we see Jim awake his whole world fall apart & him be stuck there for a year & then for her to suddenly be walking around like she had just woken up to. Then when its revealed later on that he woke her & she tried to kill him & they fight & the other guy wakes up too, that you then see why he woke her up in the first place. That way you can hate Jim for a good 20mins of the film, as you will be as shocked as Aurora that he basically committed murder to not be lonely. That would make the film much more interesting. I mean it could even to the flash back in reverse so the first one has him waking her up the next one is him watching the videos & getting trim & then the final one shows him thinking of killing himself & then he bumps into her pod, so you can see how desperate he was.
I mean if they wanted to make 3 40minute films or TV shows then the film did do that by having 3 distinct parts, loneliness, love & survival. But i think my way of doing it would make it much more of a thriller.
I mean the idea is brilliant, im guessing knowing your on a ship heading to a new world on your own & your never going to see another person again & how it depresses you, does make you think. & also makes you consider would you wake someone up to. ITs a brilliant moral dilemma, well done film.
Both Pratt & Lawrence as brilliant in this film, there is genuine chemistry & hate for each other throughout. Its a pleasure to watch. But not as much as Michael Sheens Arthur the bar man hes brilliant. I want one. I mean id quite like a Michael Sheen anyhow but yea hes bloody cool. Especially with the whole polishing glass thing.
The waiter robots are brilliant ( so are the mice) but i like those big ones they are cool.
I feel the ending when its all suddenly going to blow up happens very quickly & they thought ah its a sci fi we need something to almost kill our heroes here dont we. & at no point when i watch this film do i think that either of them will actually die from this &then when Jim does die you do just sit there & think yea of course shes going to remember that bloody long code to get the doctor thing to work.
The space walks are just magical & so are the bits with the observation room. As someone whos always looked at the stars & how they shine for you & everything you do… its bloody brilliant & inspiring. You do just sit there & think wow were apart of this universe isnt that just one of the coolest things ever.
Planting a tree in the space ship was such an amazing thing to do.
So he send his SOS to get back to earth with an estimated reply years away, what would they do fly out to go & get him it will take them for ever to get to him by which point he would be an old man.
When she decides at the end to stay with him & live out her life on the ship, its lovely & beautiful, however it would be nice to see a few flashes forward before we get to the big revel a the end. By this point they are both so dead on that ship, so maybe a few more inklings that just her book being read & looking at the trees they planted. would have been nice to see what else they did even if its only like one minute showing them age. We dont have to show them dying.
ITs a good film & i still enjoy it & love watching it, however i do just wish they chopped the way it was told a bit more about to make it more dramatic & more of a ooooohhhhh yea your evil mate, to then feel sorry for him. Its well worth a watch people.