Want to watch a heist movie with Women which isnt patronising to us or a remake of an original classic… then this is the film for you. Time to get ready for the dark & evil Widows which is one of the best female lead films in the last few years (& yes i am aware that in the same year this came out was Oceans Eight but this is a far superior film).
I am a huge advocator for the fact that people who casts & ensembles should be honoured & awarded at ceremony’s. I am very happy Bafta now do this & obviously there is the screen actors guild too, but there needs to be more. You know some films just dont just have a best actor & actress sometimes everyone pulls it out of the bag on the same & day & you dont get that performance from c if a, e & j are not on fire because b was on form. Basically every singe person in this film just nails there part no matter how big or small the role is. I mean even the dog is bloody brilliant & you are concerned for that. You seriously cant say a bad thing about anyone in this. ITs a joy to watch because the acting is just beyond being on point from every single person, so you cant just say oh this person is better than another. Kudos to all. That being said I bloody enjoyed Daniel Kaluuya being pure evil. It was stunning.
I like how all the husbands are dead straight away that was brilliant. Properly grabs you by the collar & makes you want to watch this film because oh shit all those really good actors who are good bad guys are all just gone 5 minutes in. Shit a duck…
When they follow the hugely underrated we need to celebrate him beyond recognition Colin Farrells journey back in the car to his house while hes talking like an arsehole already wanting to break his campaign promises, i really liked that. You went from the areas which needed help to the nice posh secure place where he lived & it was amazing & brilliant & you just sat there & thought oh wow they are really doing the class thing here arent they wow.
The heist itself only actuals takes up a small part of the film. It takes about 10mins in total. I mean you sit there throughout going oh shit now what & it really is on edge & really does have a okay now what feel especially when people get shot or die, thats propel on edge. ITs really well filmed too.
I like the twist right before the end before shit starts to go down that Harry is still alive, i liked that, it was brilliant it was like well now whats going to happen, is he going to sell them out, has he worked out what shes doing? Its properly gripping.
When shes buying the gun, thats brilliant but so wrong. Thats the problem with America if im honest. IT a huge swing from the other purchasing when shes getting a car at auction & then she cant drive so has to get someone to come pick her up & the car up. Light & shade used really well there.
I love how in this film every little detail is so linked, like i dont care about that hairdresser at all & then suddenly ah shes liked to this big scheme where shes actually looking like shes making money but she isnt & is apart of it all, thats good. Its the little details that makes films like this just feel right & if you really do pay attention you are awarded.
The line about no one believes weve got the balls to do it, is epic & i love it & its just one of those yes girl power moments. They are all just standing there going fuck yes.
When her drivers sing just falls out of the back both my parents went ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh at that point much like i did when i first saw it. Im glad it wasnt just me that thought that.
The flash back to the sons death is bloody painful to watch, it always is. & the fact that this still happens in America especially with whats happened in the last year, it hurts & is painful.
I really didnt think shed have the guts to kill him in the end i really didnt. I though he would kill her & walk off into the sunset, as the ultimate twist so when she does kill him its like yes girl he fucking deserved it what a dick.
I just love how this film is about being Woman & overcoming all the odds to get the job done, & that you dont need a man anymore you can do it yourself & find your inner self along the way.
Its well worth a watch people this film especially if you love a heist like i do. A stunningly well acted & performed film which just flys along so much so that when its over you really do want some more & you just feel like yes, i can do anything.