I gave my parents various options to watch this Saturday film night & it went down to a two film choice this or fantastic beasts very random that it would be those 2 films against each other, I asked Siri to flip a coin so we are here. This may be some of the most awkward 3 hours of my life but oh well. Next week we will Potter it & the the week after the next one.
Its just redisclose the entire film. Thats the only way to say it at all. The length of it, the way its filmed, the excess, the memes, the sex, the drugs… its madness & its all based on real life. I do love that the real Jordan is at the seminar at the end. Thats a nice touch.
The narration throughout & fourth wall breaking i love. Its done lots but at no point do you get bored of it at all. I think its just the way Leo delivers it. Its said with such attitude that you just go yeah thats good thats really cool. It just feels right, especially when it goes off & then mentions a flash back or forward on someones life.
I love the whole sell me this pen parts of the film. That such a brilliant way to explain it. Just youtube that section people. Its good its very very good.
DiCaprio is bloody stunning in this film he really is, but it wasnt an oscar worthy performance he was playing an over over over over exaggerated version of himself in the extremeness of a playboy. So when people say he sits there & watches Matthew McConaughey sit there & go hm hm hmmmm opposite him & steal his oscar, it was never his to lose.
Jonah Hill as the best friend is just amazing. He actually is the star of the film. What he gets up to & what goes on is just amazing. I mean some of the shit he just goes along with is just madness.
The bit with the stupendous drugs that push them all completely over the edge is amazing & is a brilliant set piece. IT really is one of those oh god moments. & just looking at the car at the end being completely trashed.
I understand that guys like this film because its the ultimate lad fantasy & let be honest they all just want to shag Margot Robbie. I mean the woman’s beautiful & does have an amazing body, but do we really need her to be like that in every single scene in the film. She is literally there as window dressing. I do understand that was the way they treated all there women then but still, its just a bit like really. The fact that i care more about Joanna Lumleys character than Margot says a lot. But lets be honest Lumley could open a tin & as brits we would all cheer.
Some of the speeches he gives are just oh wow. On the phone, to his team, to the camera. Theres a lot of words & a lot to learn which for a lads fantasy film is a lot to take in. If your actually paying attention to it, its worth a second watch just to make sure youve got exactly whats going on.
The sudden oh were off to switzerland & around the world happens very abruptly. Its a sudden tone shift which then is that important ot the over all plot.
The film does end obviously, however it just creeps up on it & then its like & the films over
It is a bloody long film. It is too long if im honest. Its not even for the sake of it or the plot its just overly long.
Its a good film dont get me wrong & i enjoy watching it, but due to its length & the fact it just keeps going & going its not a film you re watch & re watch & re watch. You need to persevere with it. It is still good & it is one hell of a film.