spoilers ( i have to say that despite this being my 4th watching in less than 6 months)
Today was the last day in my job. Monday i start my new one & i’ve had afternoon tea & fizz & whatever the hell i want to do. So this film arrived in the post so i am showing my parents for the first time. I really hope they enjoy it i really really do. Please let them enjoy it.
You all know by now that i adore this film, the hype i had before it came out was huge, the love i have for it now is even bigger & i just…. oh this is going to be an all over the place review isnt it. but one full of love. The question is where to start… help
Oh lets go for the emotional ruining of Rosie Death. I know theres a lot to come before this point in the film, but up until this point he was just still a kid, even the fact that you know hes following & trying to catch that butterfly which is fluttering around & its all innocent & then it flys off to say that any innocence JoJo had left has now gone & he just stands up smiling & you see those shoes. & then he just pauses in shock. Hitler had officially taken away his world & it just breaks your heart & as he trys to re tie her shoes, its too much. He just sits there staring at her protecting her still like he had with the fire poker & the ladel earlier in the form, the cub still wanted to protect his mama.
I now cant watch mums tie up kids shoes anymore in public, i have to turn away. Taika spent so long foreshadowing this throughout the film that when it happens & you see it, it just ruins you. & then at the end, when he ties Elsa Shoes up finally as the itty ditty butterfly music plays that really hits the soul too. Thats why it hurt so much seeing Marriage Story a couple of days later after i had seen this film. Scarlets last moment in that film is doing up shoe laces too.
& then there is Sam Rockwells death which saves JoJo. apologising for his mum & realising that he was just a kid who needed a hug & some love & that as all he wanted. Its truly heart breaking, he knew he was going to his Death & by comforting, abusing & then saving JoJo was the quickest way out. It just makes you cry more & more & more. Whenever this is now randomly on TV & my mama stops to watch some of it, this is always the bit that gets her & makes her ugly cry. I mean that where i get my crying from her, but oh wow does it ruin her. Sam your are a bloody genius.
This film has so many strong performances by so many people. Taika really does get the best out of everyone, even Rebel who basically turns up with odd lines to throw in every now & then. Its not often you sit there & go this is a blood well acted film by everyone, especially with Kids in it, but it is. Can i shout them all of for just being amazing… nah not really.
… that being said, Taika Waititi playing Adolf is one of the greatest things ever to appear on screen. I know this put lots of people off the film that the director cast himself to be him, however its is the biggest FUCK YOU too him. A Jewish Polynesian with brown skin & hazel eyes who is the most loving funny caring goofy guy around, & yet when he shouts at JoJo & does his speeches its bloody petrifying & you jus sit there going wheres my Taika, where is he, who is this monster. That shows that the man is more than just a bit part. & its is so fabulous when JoJo yells Fuck off Hitler at the end & kicks him out of the unicorn. Its brilliant. Its a proper moment.
I like how the start & end of the film mirrors that it start with JoJo being a fanatic & talking to Adolf before he goes on his training camp, with all his Nazi stuff in the room, but by the end of it, as well as Adolf being flung to his death, but the posters are falling off, he isnt in his uniform & theres drawing & art that he & Elsa have done over the last few weeks. Its showing how a child can grow so quickly & there opinions change, especially in extraordinary circumstance.
Yorkie is the most epic best friend. Literally turns up makes you smile has some epic one lines, blows some shit up & then goes home to hug him mum… perfect.
As a Taika fan, there are some references to What We Do in the Shadows in this. Especially the Bats drawn in the book, defiantly one of them looks like Deacon. & some of the torture of Nathan, Vladislav would be very proud of this. Also when the kids are on there own after Rosies death the one shot around the room with them moving is such a Taika trait, i mean the wilder people version is better but wow that lovely.
The drawings in the book are just so beautiful. I mean i now hes never going to stop writing films & tv shows & acting but if he does, Taika needs to become an artist because some of these drawings especially the one of the rabbit in the cage are just sooooooo beautiful (ive got that as a cover for a cinema club review on here).
Where are all the god damn knives? Rosie shouts after JoJo loses them all to Elsa after there first meeting. I mean surly when she went up stairs that night to talk to her she would have seen at least one right & known that JoJo knows.
Chewing on Grapes is not good, dont try & chew your wine it really stings. However that whole scene from sitting down to dinner, the arguments, Adolf leaving, her turning into his Dad & then the dance, those are just some of the most perfect mood changes in cinema. It get the tone of every single one for the time period perfectly. Its an amazing scene & should go down in cinema archive for how beautiful it is.
Every time the person who asks is it dangerous to go outside & the other person says extremely, it is the person actually opening the door that is in peril more than the one asking. Thats bloody brilliant. & dancing out to Bowie to celebrate is amazing. I know its mentioned a few times in the film that dancing equals freedom & expressing yourself, but wow what a way to end it.
The training camp is madness. I mean whoever decided to put Same Alfie & Rebel in charge of a group of 10-14 year olds is mad (Taika is) but still it completely works & is just redisclose. I love the whole yeah but dont do that moment, thats brilliant &shooting everything & having all those kids for Germany. They also dont run their office well. I mean walking the clones is cool.
When Sam & Alfie turn up for the final battle (which include the human German Shepherds & not the dogs brilliant) & they have on their outfits that they were talking about earlier, its bloody fabulous & stunning & was everything you could of wished for & the guy liner.
Stephen Merchant has no right to be that scary, the man who i grew up with who helped shape my comedy brain, as a member of the Gestapo is scary. You do sit there through out going oh god are they going to get away with it. Even when he says hitler has 4 balls, or theres a communist behind the fridge, its not done in a funny way even though its meant to be. You are still probably laughing at all the Heil Hitlers that have happened in the minute prior.
RIP Barry the Unicorn.
The rooves looking at people with the eyes to signify everyones watching everyone is an amazing moment & one where you sit there & just go oh wow it was really like that back in Germany.
As an English person i wont eat your dogs or your children by the way.
I just bloody love this film. & now looking back at it completing this review almost a year later i can confirm this is in my top 5 films of all time. Taika delivers a piece of history, which comedy, shock & emotion & the tone switches through out are just amazing. I completely see why this isnt everyones cup of tea, i really do, but it is soooooo mine & its one of those films that should be shown in schools t o make you appreciate life.
Im sure ive missed something out, but i think you can gather from all of this that i bloody love this film & you should all give it a go even if its not for you.
Thank you Oscar Award Winning TAIKA WAITITI! It was worth the wait.
Life is a gift & we must celebrate it