do not get in a car once you have watched this film okay… we good… i did when i saw it in the cinema… quickest drive home ever… epic sound track too… lets go to it & let it be apart of my saturday night lockdown film watching.
Okay lets deal with the hephalump in the room shall we first of all. I know that Kevin Spacey turned out to be very very ewwwww (thats the nicest way to put it) but you cant just undo him from Cinema history, you cant. Am i never meant to watch moon or se7en again… no thats not happening. & his performance in this is amazing so i am not going to have you sit there & go you cant enjoy a Kevin Spacey performance. I am. Im sorry if this has offended you or upset you, but hes fantastic in this film. You cant change my mind.
Right thank you for dealing with that. Had to start with that otherwise it would be when do i add this in.
The real star of the film is the music it really really really is. The different ipods for different moods or jobs, the fact when he takes a headphone out it goes quiet, the back ground noise mixing perfectly. The idea of not starting a job until hes reset his tunes. Its unreal. If you love music & you love a film that knows how to use its music well then this is the film for you.
& then the cars & the chases omg. I know im a sucker for a heist film which is technically what this film is but you never ever actually really see a heist, you just see baby trying to get out & away & free of his life of crime & doing jobs. But wow those chases away from the police especially the first one where the car just slides around like its on ice… WOW! The man who hit someone in the head with a vinyl is directing that. Its amazing & stunning. Seriously so well filmed & set up that every single one your just like oh wow.
After the first Job when Baby is going to get coffee, is the perfect introduction to the film it really is. IT sums up that its going to be an upbeat yeah film but there will be light & shade & it will be epic & it will have love in it & its just all going to take your mind from the world for the next 2 hours which is the escapism hes getting from the music which is what you will get by watching this film.
I love his Grandpa. Okay yea i have a soft spot for Grandpa’s & Granddads ( i miss both of mine a lot) but his is so brilliant. He hears the music through the vibrations & the dancing. but when he has to take him to the old peoples home at the end that lovely & makes me well up everytime (not cry but i definitely can feel my eyes stinging a bit). He just wanted to do what was best for him.
I love Jamie Foxx just being so bat shit crazy. Is it bad that this is kinda how i imagine Foxx in real life (just without the murder & heists? because i do. I know that means that then in this film hes just being an exaggerated version of himself (bit like when you tell Goldblum to be Goldblum). But yea hes just Mad. When i first saw the film i didnt see it coming that he would be the first one to die. That really shocked me, i especially didnt see that it was Baby who would do it.
Wrong Micheal Myers masks, these are Mike Myers from Austin Powers. I laugh quite a lot at that (wear you mask peoples).
The nephew who knows everything about the post office instead of baby is brilliant. I didnt see that coming at all. You just think awww sweet kid bless him tagging along, nah hes got the real intel. Uncle Doc has trained him up good & proper.
I like the fact Baby keeps apologising to people or gets them out of harms way so they dont get hurt or tips them off before a heist or during a chase. I think thats admirable. Thats also such a British thing to do in an American film. IT ends up being his redeeming & saving grace though.
The Recording bit is harsh & really awkward to listen back to but it is needed, because at hat point youve just got used to the rest of them & accept them all for what they are & kinda like them but nah, that bit makes you turn on them all.
I understand it had to end the way it did, but i think we didnt need her waiting outside with the car looking all 1950s it was bad enough she worked in a diner for the film. He could of just left the prison & the camera could of been on him & he could of just smiled & wed have all known she was the other side of the camera.
ITs a bloody good film & i am not doing it justice here. It the kinda film you just put on to get lost in the chases & the soundtrack, which is the point really. ITs to help you escape the world that you live in. Basically give it a watch because being in it makes you feel all you need to realise how good a film it actually is.