pops has actually gone to work on a sunday afternoon to make sure everything is ready for him tomorrow, mama is writing a school play in case she randomly has to put one on when schools reopen, so i can watch what ever i want on this rainy sunday afternoon. So im going for The Lobster which i keep suggesting my parents should watch too, but neither are that bothered so im doing it on my own.
this is when it’s bloody good that I’ve stopped doing the synopsis as this would of been so hard. Good choice Emile… good choice.
This is a good film. However it would of worked better as 2 hour long films, as the shift in tone & story half way through went in a completely different direction. It was like it was 2 films in one & we do suddenly go from one world to the next. The only real link is the lead character.
Broken record time… Colin Farrell is stupendously under rated as an actor & he deserves sooooooo many awards. This is a vintage performance in both halves of the film & he has to keep his game up other wise it really would all fall apart. Please just make him the best movie star ever hollywood please.
As someone who is stupendously single, i dont really want to live in the world where you are turned into an animal, if you have no life partner. Like thats so wrong & that was the thing i hated most about this film. There is nothing wrong with being single & happy. I mean the best bit of it was when that girl slapped her friend in the face as she said goodbye, before being turned into a horse.
The murder of the dog wasnt really necessary at all was it. I mean that poor dog. He ridiculed the entire time for being his brother & not having a life parent & then hes murdered bullshite to that. That was just wrong film. That made me angry for a good 10minutes afterward. Glad she got her comeuppance.
The people being hunted in the woods was a clever addition, but was so weird that they went from that to then become the plot. However he was then just trapped inside the next weird place wasnt he. He want from one hell to the next. Also i dont understand why they werent allowed relationships with anyone in the woods. Surely if that happened you could then go back to the city & live a happy life as a couple.
The attempted suicide was a bit random but im guessing extreme circumstances & not wanting to be turned into a n animal would lead you to that wouldnt it. Just the fact that noone cared either. & the forced nose bleeds ewwwwww. As someone who has them but hates having them so much as they make me feel sick, the idea of forcibly having one to get a partnership is a bit much.
When they as the wood people break in to the hotel that was funny, awkward but funny. I laughed quite a lot at that.
The whole styling of the film was gorgeous, it really went from nice to enclosed & evil to free & then back to the entrapment again in the forest. IT was so cleverly planned in that respect, that you had to admire it.
It felt right but also so wrong that everyone basically had to dress the same in the hotel.
death by truffle pig nah. I mean why did she blind her i dont really get that, its too odd & wrong. If you want ot punish them kill them. & then why did he agree to blind himself, okay we dont know if he does but that seems a little drastic he will never be able to find her again.
It is a good film but it has some irritating things that you just wish it would iron out. I do think this would work best as 2 1 hour pieces, because the tone & story shift is so huge. As a one piece you do just think hang on a second.
If you are a film buff like me though its a must watch as the good is better than the weird & the awful.