Pika Pika (Spoilers)
God i have a hang over from my besties birthday party. Dont ask me what time i left, but i am doing sod all today. I am sitting in my penguin onesie waiting for people to text me to say they are still alive (hopefully Faye as I had to kinda walk her home as she only lives 2 roads away) & i am going to watch some Pokemon. Basically its deadpool for kids but who gives a crap. I need this right now. Go get me some tea someone please.
Right lets get to the twist bit first which i have wanted to ask about for a very long time. Did anyone else see it coming that Pikachu was actually his Dad & that his Dad was Ryan Reynolds? be 100% honest here people. I just remember sitting in the cinema seeing this film going holy crap why did i not see this coming thats bloody brilliant. I was so angry at myself for not noticing the thing that was hiding in plain sight. But oh wow what a moment. I applaud the film for getting away with it oh wow.
Ryan does bloody nail it as Pikachu though he really really does. It is basically a PG deadpool but oh man it works & is just everything. He is one of the most handsome men in the world, but that voice & that little pika is just awwwww so cute, like when that girl flirts with him. Brilliant.
Why is Rita Ora in this film? Shes not a good actress at all, okay shes not in it long before Mew 2 blows her up but shes still not very good is she.
I spent my whole life going im a meowth, im a meowth. Nope turns out im a Psyduck… paranoia, headaches, overthinking & Migraines that needa chill zone… yep thats me. Im a Psyduck.
When we first properly meet pikachu he looks so scared sweet & adorable & then he opens his mouth & you just go oh yeah Ryan. But seriously before the bit with the stapler tell me you werent a little bit in love with that pokemon.
I love the fact that early on in the film when the bad guys car turns up they go oh bad guy car & Then it doesnt take you to who you think the bad guy is, but then later on you find out it is the bad guy. Thats brilliant. Again epic foreshadowing. I mean Bill can always be a properly evil bastard & i love the fact its him.
I love that it also bookends the Cubone being the first pokemon he trys to catch & then hes the pokemon the ditto turns into to try & kill him, thats a bloody brilliant touch. To the casual fan its just a oh another pokemon but if you pay attention its good.
Mister Mimes interrogation is one of the coolest things in film. Okay he is just acting in a room on his own, but that whole seen relies on him getting that spot on & i bloody love it. What a way to do that & Then when its goes wrong at the end hehe.
Rhyme City is basically London isnt it. You see all the landmarks & random shit & your just sitting there going film you aint fooling me i see the gherkin. I mean i love the fact that there are pokemon all over london but still. Its bloody clever how its all filmed though especially the parade around canary wolf.
The highlight of the film in my opinion is when Pikachu sings the pokemon theme when hes upset. I love that. I actually have to pause the DVD when i see that to stop laughing because its what you so would do.
The battle stare down in epic. Little Pika & a Charmazard just having a stare down like they are Fury & Joshua, its brilliant. I mean okay Pikachu is off his head on coffee but still. How much coffee does he drink by the way far tooo tooo tooooooo much. & thats saying a lot i love my caffeine.
Magikarps just need a little kick…. hahahahhahahah i love that.
I love the different experiments they use on the pokemon in the lab & what goes on.Im not condoning them but what a clever way to show what they have actually done to the pokemon & why this was the case to prove the evolution & how its all happened. (im talking about this like its a real experiment my bad).
I love when Bulbasaur arrives & then leaves but returns with help. It proves they can feel what people mean & help. I love that. I genuinely feel sad when Pikachu is in pain at this point of the film.
I love that it is also just a simple story about love loss acceptance & finding out who you & the ones you care for really are. Its so nice just to have something a little normal & sweet for a change.
I honestly dont actually really care what you all say this is just a bloody good heart warming happy film with some nice little twists & just makes you feel all yeah… I feel it in my Jellys. Cheers guys & girls for this lovely film thats meant to be for kids but so isnt.
Its definitely worth a watch with a bacon sarnie & a bucket of tea to get over your hangover people. Well worth it.
FYI Faye did get home kinda in one piece but after i left her she fell into a hedge.