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January 18th 2020… Mama & Pops are finally going to watch EndGame & i am not ready to re do this. We had lunch at lunch time today so we could have a snack for tea & then just watch the whole thing. My sister & her husband watched it last weekend, & she sent me a load of questions about it & then went omg & breath at it, i am expecting the same from them too. Tissues for emotional blackmail & fall out are at the ready too.

So let me share with you my emotional break down main moment that i shared with my mum when the film came out that she was actually going to call up some counselling for me.Thats is how im starting this because then we can get onto everything else. Its when everyone comes back & Spiderman speaks to Ironman & is spouting exposition & Tony just hugs him, when he has never had any inclination to do this for any of the other films at all. That fucking breaks me everytime. It was at that point i knew Tony wasnt getting out alive & he was saving us all. It ruins me & it just hurts so much. Everything else that happens after this then just add to the emotion but thats the one that hurts. Peter finally gets his love & affection & its taken away from him with a quick click of the fingers. IT hurts it really does. Im feeling sad just typing this, so let move on to something more fun before we get more sadness.

Korg!!!!! Korgs in EndGame! Thats madness & hes in Taikas shirt too & its clearly loki that they are playing on fortnight isnt it. Fat Thor in all seriousness is a bloody good cool. Even the coolest bravest person in the universe suffers from depression & PTSD & loss & its broken his life & heart & he needs help & self reassurance & even though it was kinda done for laughs its a big thing that lots of people go through & i am so happy that they did that to make him like that & have him suffer.

Right back to some sadness now, & i need to link it to something else so we will get properly emotional. lets start with Tony & has dad & the chance that he finally gets to say goodbye & tell him its all going to be okay & fine. There some proper catholic stuff going on there of saying what youve always wanted to say to those youve lost & that hug oh that hurts so you start to well up, but if youve seen the film before you are welling up knowing we are about to say goodbye to a legend too. As the next scene is Vormir.

Yep, mama thought i was joking when i said Scarlett died in this she was like nah no way she’ll be back shes not dead. & then she saw where they were & watched that fight & by the time she utters her final “Its Okay” she was sitting there with me crying her eyes out. It hurts that she sacrificed herself so clint could see his kids again, so that everyone else could be happy. It really really hurts that the woman who did everything to be accepted & be happy & be an avenger is the one who loses it all to save the world. The average normal day person (whos an assassin) with no magic or super powers is the one who has to die to save humanity. It hurts & i will bloody miss her. & it hurt all the avengers too as they all just sit there & cry too.

Oh were doing sad let just move on to Tonys Death. He had to end with those last few words did he. There was no other way it could happen, it had to be “& i am ironman” it was perfect it really was. & that Rhodes & Parker & Potts all get to say goodbye the three that have always loved & supported him no matter what. Thats lovely. & then the funeral oh god that hurts because its so perfect, the throw back to Stark having a heart, everyone being at the funeral, mentioning cheese burgers. But the one that hits hardest is his goodbye message & that hes all like yea its all gonna be okay & then that look before he says i love you 3000…. oh that hurts soooooooo soooooo sooooo much & really just makes you grab more tissues, if you havent already run out of them.

When Cap hugs bucky you know that hes not coming back again in the correct way. You just know it. So why noones else in the film saw this coming other than bucky gets me. I do understand why he handed it over to Sam & not Bucky, its what happens in the new comics, but it should of been Bucky. I am glad that we get to see the dance that we are always promised. Its a nice calm but emotional way to end that story. IT really is.

i think im now done with the crying & the tears i really do. So lets get onto other stuff.

Doctor Strange’s chance relied on a Rat… A FUCKING RAT!!! thats madness. I mean good for the Rat but come on.

On your left really was the moment that gave me goosebumps, more than the line avengers assemble, because at that point you know they are all coming to help, so that is just perfect & brilliant. & then when everyone does rock up oh wow they all really do just rock up & they just keep coming & you just know there is going to be so much going on & its going to be unreal. Obviously the line Avengers Assemble is the line everyones been waiting for for years upon years but its doesnt happen without an on your left.

The female unity moment is bloody brilliant, its epic that all the girls of the MCU just decide to take it to him. I mean i love them all anyhow but i love that it is Carol that gets the main stand off. she is the future of the MCU and to show her having that battle is epic, she doesnt save the world, but she helps a bloody lot & that makes me happy.

Lets now talk about the person who stole the show, the star of Endgame… Nebula… Karen gives the greatest performance of her life. Its amazing in a film so packed with hollywood legends & so much going on she is the struggle at the start saving Tony, then she loses her dad, shes got to be there for rocket, she helps with the plan, she is the evil & the good nebula & then at the end as well. She is the story it is hers in such a huge film this is a story about a daughter & how her familys past catches up with her. Its inspired.

I love the trips down memory lane. Back to everyone’s past. That was nice, the idea of the quantum realm & the time heist did make me go really but the fact its basically run by Paul Rudd is epic. The best bit of the visits to the past is the lift scene. Oh wow. The chills when cap just whispers hail hydra ooooohhh. I love that.

I love the exposition of how time travel works & how it also fails on Scott when Hulk is sorting it out. Its well done & you just accept it & believe in it, its madness but it works, i think thats the point. As a superhero film you believe time travel will work.

Its Talos hiding in plain sight at Peter Parkers School isnt it. Tell me that its Ben it has to be. Hes there to spy on him (i thought this before far from home by the way but now it makes even more sense).

Omg how have i not talked Cap beign worthy, see too much in this film. that was such a good feeling oh wow it was a moment it was a proper holy crap moment, its epic. Thats all i need to say.

Its the perfect finally to most of these character journeys but we are now all set up for phase 4 & the magic that will bring later in the year when we start again with Black Widow (note i wrote this bit back in January when i saw the film so you know my bad for saying this year). The MCU is going to just grow & get bigger.

So thank you to my original 6 avengers & the story you have told, its been one hell of a ride over the last 1 years & i cant wait for the next 11.

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