So my parents also got me this for christmas because they wanted to see it. Turns out mama almost wanted to some with me to the cinema to see it, so lets let them finally look at Hobbs & Shaw. A film that if you had told me a few years ago i would be so hyped to have in my laugh i would of laughed you out of the building & gone nah. This really is the perfect popcorn blockbuster film.
Popcorn synopsis time for you all
MI6 operatives have been sent to secure a virus, but after obtaining the package the bad guy appears & takes out most of the team except one agent who injects herself with the virus so he cant get hold of it & disappears. Turns out the bad guy is called Brixton & is apart of an organisation that control the worlds media arms & police & set her up for the fall, knowing that if he doesnt get the virus back she will become viral & infect a large amount of the worlds population.
Former enemies & operatives Luke Hobbs & Deckard Shaw are both put on the assignment without knowing about the other by former team members. Deckard agrees to it after seeing his mum & Shaw does after speaking with his daughter, but bth then reject it when the realise who there partner is. Shaw goes to the operatives house but is tracked by MI6 & Brixtons men & almost destroys the flat. Hobbs actually catches the girl called Hattie & takes her in for questioning but after she fails to escape & almost kills Hobbs Shaw arrives to stop him revealing that Hattie is actually his sister. Hattie then reveals that she is carrying the virus in her blood stream just as Brixton arrives & takes her hostage. Hobbs & Shaw despite still hating each other rescue Hattie & escape after a thrilling chase in london, but not before we learn that Shaw killed Brixton years ago & has been set up by him on everything he has done since that day. Its also revealed that Brixton is genetically enhanced & that the people who control him & the media want Hobbs & Shaw to join them. Hobbs & Shaw & Hattie find the scientist who created the virus & he mentions that theres a machine in russia that can remove the virus to stop it killing everyone or that they need to kill Hattie now. The three travel to Russia who with the help of an ex love of Shaw, end up in Brixtons russian facility, after giving Hattie up as bait, the scientist is already there after being taken hostage too. Hobbs & shaw after initially getting into the building are then tortured, but Hattie & the scientist have managed to escape & cause a diversion. The four escape with the machine to remove the virus, but the scientist is killed , tha machine is broken & Brixton is damaged a the building collapses.
With nowhere to go Hattie insists she is killed, but Hobbs knows where they can go off the grid as the world is after them due to Brixtons organisation controlling everything. The air marshal on the flight to Russia with them gets them a flight to Samoa where Hobbs family is. Hobbs is initially not welcomed home as he betrayed his father years ago with there drugs & dodgy car building company jobs, but after some talking round by his mum they agree to help. The the machine repaired, Samoan weapons & an army at the ready & HAttie hacking into the glove which controls Brixtons weapons they are ready to fight. Hobbs reconciles with his brother just as Brixton arrives & they all go to war. Hattie who is plugged into the machine to remove the virus with little time left before she can infect people, reconciles with Shaw, but is then taken hostage by Brixton. Hobbs & Shaw & the brothers make a car chain to take down Brixtons helicopter, but it also take Hobbs Shaw & Hattie down with it. Hobbs & Shaw start to fight him but fail, only realising that if one of them takes a hit the other can get a cheap shot in from behind to take him out. Hattie gets the virus out of her & takes out Brixtons remaining henchman. The three of them stand over Brixton saying that technology will never beat the resilience of people & that Shaw will not to the honours to kill him again. Brixton is then decommissioned by his company & dies falling into the sea, but the company then contact Hobbs Shaw & Hattie to say they are on there radar & it was a shame they couldnt be turned. Hobbs reunits his daughter with his family in Samoa & Shaw & Hattie visit there mum & break her out of prison. The film end with Hobbs informant saying that this virus was just the start & that there are worse ones out there which will kill everyone.
Yea thats a lot of film.
I’m not sure really how to start this. I really arent. I just bloody love it. erm… help… Where to start.
Okay lets start with the person who always steals the fast & furious show… the Mirren. Shes only in two scenes of the film, in prison bless her, but shes such a babe. I just love how she just sat on Graham Norton & went oh id love to do a fast & furious film & now shes an integral part to it all. She just proper & good & always makes you cheers when she turns up in them.
The Rock (hes always going to be the Rock sorry) & Stath have an epic bromance & chemistry. It really does work in these films there love hate relationship. Especially when they are doing the whole this guys an arsehole bit when they first meet up. Its not a furious film without them doing that. The plane bit is good too, but isnt as good as the start, mainly because you are to busy laughing at Kevin Hart who randomly appears.
There side by side introductions to show you how they are basically the same person but deal with it in different ways is very good & clever. I really enjoy them. I do know their back storys in the film, but if you hadnt these are perfect introductions to what your going to watch for the next 2 hours.
Ryan Reynolds in the dinner was funny & at the end i mean thats very cool & clever, but i was happier about Rob Delaney showing up, i enjoyed that. Still bloody funny though. Also the Rock in that scene just looking at his tattoo is brill, & when he say no more thrones & then quotes you know nothing Jon Snow is brilliant. That being said in the credit scenes Reynolds ruining Thrones by saying what happens at the end is a bit of a whooooo moment. He should be more worried about the new snowflake.
Idris’ bloody cool man. The fact that when he turns up at the start & they ask who are you he just goes Bad Guy… That just sets the tone for the film. I mean he is on form in this film & does get the majority of the cool throwbacks to say. See i am a bad guy at heart i definitely belong with them in films & not the goodies. Shame hes killed off by his own people in it.
Who are Eteon? I know they are based at McLaren F1 thats obvious (seriously whenever that building appears in any film or tv show i’m sure every british person goes nah that’s McLaren mate) & very cool, but was that something i should of caught in another one? Whos the voice too. I mean its bloody clever what they do with the upgrades but they have this place in England & the one in Russia too (well not anymore).
Can we talk about those slides under the lorry & that bike crashing into the london bus. Wow. I know a lot is done with CGI & extra frames & stunts etc but wow. They are two epic set pieces in one bit just brilliant.
Vanessa Kirby is good. I think she will have a better career than Claire Foy if im honest. Okay yes shes a damsel in distress whos carrying this virus around but she properly tells people where to stick it & to leave her alone & let her do her own thing & she does end up saving the day basically.
Roman Reigns littly spears someone & goes ohahhhhh & thats about it the rest of his acting is a little bit shit, but i guess they brought him in just for that moment really.
The destruction of the building in Russia is so cool, like theres so much stuff on fire & blowing up & collapsing its just a mess, what a thing to film. Well done guys on that. All the way from the plane ejection, to the double fight to get in & then the foot & dirven chase out. If you want to know what a fast & furious film is thats your scene right there. Its bloody brilliant. Seatbelts are a maybe in these films too.
They keep saying shes going to go viral in like 12 hours & then they get to Russia & then Samoa & set up the fight & have the fight & shes still not viral, i am calling some bullshite on that.
But im not calling bullshite on that hellicopter chase, between a rock & a hard place…. hahaha im so funny. But yeah thats completely believable. absolutely. I know like hell it is but we had to have something mad like that in the film. Its not one of these films without it.
Oh & The Rock does the Peoples Eyebrow which seriously every time he does that in a film makes me leap up & go yes & feel like im 10 years old watching him kick the shit out of stone cold & triple H.
The names for the airport getting in & out are brilliant.
Can i also ask, is Hobbs & Shaw in the same cinematic universe as The Italian Job… It was definitely referenced wasnt it with the green mini in his garage. That could be very interesting.
Oh its just a bloody good popcorn blockbuster film & i adore it & think its the bees knees. I know its a little bit crap but i am so sold on this film & this bromance. It just makes me smile.
If you had told me when i started film blogging that one of my go to comfort films would be part of the fast & furious family, id have laughed in your face. Turns out time can change a person.
Bring on the possible sequel.