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Pops likes this film, i love it, but mama has never seen it. If she hasnt seen it she cant see Endgame, so weve got to do it. We really do. Otherwise she will be asking 47 questions for a 6minute section of the film. I love you mama your know that but you will be & you will be very happy to have seen this. So lets get to the mystic arts shall we.

Popcorn Synopsis for you all

Neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange is a bit of a dick if im honest & is to busy out witting his colleagues, not paying attention to the woman who he cant seem to keep a relationship with & showing off. After being arrogant at a few things he has a horrific car crash, which when he wakes up realises his hands are ruined & shake. After several operations & therapy & being mean to people & his hands getting back to an almost still level he lashes out at everyone. His therapists tells him a story of a man who was paralyzed who one day didnt turn up & is now living his life after visiting Karmar-Taj. Upon arriving strange meets the ancient one who shows him her power & he says teach me & she refuses due to his arrogance, but eventually does. Mordo & Wong take strange under their wings & start to train him in the mystic arts to become a soucier supreme (a wizard im just calling him a wizard from now on). After initially struggling he learns to control his power. He learns very quickly & soon restores stolen pages from a book after mastering the mystical Eye of Agamotto. He is told off for doing this though as it breaks the natural law of nature messing with time. He then learns about Kaecilius who stole the pages from the book & is now drawing on the power of Dormmamu from the dark dimension to make his power grow.
Eventually Kaecilius destroys the london sanctum and plans on destroying both new york & hong kong’s so Dormammu can devour our planet & take over. Strange holds him off in the new york sanctum for a while, while crashing into the mystical artifacts, on of which takes a liking to him called the Cloak of Levitation & they accept each other. Strange is wounded & takes himself to hospital where Palmer (his on off love interest) saves him but he reveals his new powers to her as a fight in the other dimension occurs. Strange then returns to fight Kaecilius in the streets of new york, whilst the fight happens it is revealed the ancient one draws from the dark dimension to stay alive. She end up badly injured & passing over to the otherside, strange enters that dimension to talk to her, & she explains that this is always where it ends for her no matter how many times she changes the outcome & the strange is the best of them & the only hope to defeat kaecilius & dormammu. Strange arrives in hong kong to see Dormammu taking over & the sanctum falling. He uses the Eye of Agamotto to reverse the taking of the sanctum & goes to bargain with dormammu, putting the two of them in a time loop so that every time strange dies its starts again, but it keeps everyone on earth alive. Dormammu eventually gives in & agrees to leave & take people drawing from the dark dimension with him including Kaecilius. With Earth Wong & Mordo all saved Mordo says he no longer wishes to partake in these teaching & leaves. Strange returns the eye of Agamotto to Kamar-Taj where it is explained to him that this is an infinity stone that controls time. Strange is left in charge of the new york sanctum, staring out of the window with his hands now healed. Mordo goes to meet the paralysed man from earlier in the film & says that him being able to walk isnt natural & takes away his power proclaiming there are too many wizards. Meanwhile doctor strange has a visit from Thor who is looking for his dad, strange agrees to help as long as Thor & Loki both return to asgard asap.

For your sake i hope you didnt actually need that synopsis its bat shit crazy, who’d want to watch that film.

The Cumberbatch oh wow ( i mean thats my reaction to him anyhow) but oh wow. Doctor Strange is a really unlikeable character if im honest hes too arrogant & up his arse & needs his come down to make him likeable. & the Cumberbatch just nails it in so many respects. It really is good to see the character arch go all the way around is really good. He is a complete character by the end & you just think yea im on with this. & then now knowing how important he is going forward its even more important that you know those character traits.

Mads is bloody good as Kaecilius. Hes just good at playing dark mysterious people. When hes giving his speech in the sanctum its amazing & you hang on every single word that leaves his mouth & then sit there & go hes got a point you know (must stop siding with the bad guys). The fact he chops that guys head off in the opening scene is brilliant too. Its brave for the MCU to do that from the start but it works & does confirm we are going for a much darker MCU going forward. People will be dying.

Tilda is very good too, i never thought she would be the kinda person who would end up in the MCU. It is a bit of a pain that so many of the characters have to lose or almost lose there hero or trainer to inspire them, that is becoming a little predictable, but her speech to strange with the lightning as she passes to the afterlife is really beautiful & inspiring.

Some people are far to underused, Wong, Adams & Ejiofor. I know they will be important going forward but it just felt like weve put these people in the MCU for now to get you to watch this & your going to have to wait a few more films to see why they are key.

The fight while hes on the operating table in the other dimension is brilliant. I just love how shits kicking off in the real world like the lights exploding or stuff falling over or being moved with nothing happening. The way its film too with the layering is huge kudos. Seriously thats the scene to watch in the film if you see nothing else of this movie.

That cloak is just the most sarcastic thing ever. I want one sooooooooooooo much. Its a proper struggle between them but so much respect by the time we get to the end of the film. Thats the point though they are both stubborn arrogant being & therefore together they are better.

The mirror dimension is cool too how everything just changes everywhere. I know they just filmed it all in green screens & only did a few bits on location but its amazing. The design to to it has to be applauded.

Nice try Beyonce.

I love how he has learnt so much but doesnt actually know about what infinity stones are. I mean i know its deemed unnatural but noone bothered to tell him about it before that. He saves the world without knowing what hes using or doing. Surely you explain that to start with.

What this my mantra, or name… no the wifi password, were not heathens.

The time loop is brilliant. It is a little over the top but it served its purpose. Im sure for people who dont like the Cumberbatch they enjoyed him dying over & over & over again. Its so clever tho. & that comes straight after the backwards fight which is so spectacular. I think that could of been longer than it actually was which is why its not as good as the hospital fight, but it was ike the MCU wanted to show you the stone working so then it was ready for the time loop a few minutes later. Beautifully choreographed tho.

Stan pops up on a bus obviously.

It does a lot of setting up for Avenger & Thor & the future of the MCU beyond that with the removing wizards powers who dont deserve it.

When i first saw it i thought it was good & a filler for the MCU & very much a set up, however now i know what these moment lead to it add so much more to the story & it brilliant. It is a must see & is more than just an origin story, preparing the the beginning of the end & prepping for the eventual Snap.

Bring on the multiverse of madness.

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