No ones in. I can watch whatever the fuck i want. I am going to go for the Big Short, because why the hell not. I love the fact this is a serious film which is so complicated it has to explain everything to you. Thats really got my attention, so lets see if it can hold it or if the cast really are to much for this film
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
God help me to explain this it was hard enough for the film to do it. erm…
The films based on the 2007 housing & market crash which caused the global economy to slowly unravel & fall apart, which if we’re honest is still falling apart today.
We follow Michael Burry who in 2005 realised this could all happen & bet against the housing market & it slowly tips people off. His investors & company are pissed off with him for doing this & want there money back, but he declines. Eventually when everything does collapse he makes the company over $2billion in profit & sends the money out to his investors.
Based on this tip Jared sets up his own fund to do this as well in informs frontpoint partners about the scheme who end up basically betting there money against their own actual company & take out lots of insurance against banks if it all goes wrong, they buy there shares & make a fortune but decides in the end to sell at the last minute, making them a billion dollars richers.
Theres the also 2 young investors who work out of their parents garage who work this out, as they realise they cant get any capital from a bank to start up on there own. They get there money but when there advisor tells them that this will make people unemployed & its ruined the lives of so many americans they fall out & withdraw their investment. They only make $80mil profit but lose there friendship & stop there company.
Ahhh that was hard to do… Why do i watch films that are hard to explain…
One of the stand out points of this film is the forth wall breaking. Because its so hard to explain, they use people actually speaking to the camera to tell the story or explain stuff quite alot. This film really needs it. Even though i thought i knew what was happening im glad there were bits that covered some of my questions. Theres also celebrity cameos to help explain it in simple terms. The most iconic is Margot Robbie in a bubble bath. Now shes not Alicia Vikander but watching that scene, yea id want to get in that bath with her too.
The Jenger analogy is brilliant. Best bit of the film.
Noone in this film is actually likeable, if im honest. The only character i like at all is Steve Carell but maybe because Steve is always a very likeable calm person in films & you always feel sorry for him & want him to do well. But even he isnt someone who comes out smelling of roses.
I seriously cant believe all the banks were that stupid & vulnerable & gullible to believe they would win & let him bet against them. Its stupid. I mean the hell. Nah. I know banks are stupid but that was just so stupid.
Im not sure why we needed Brad Pitts name so high up in the film hes only in it for all of 5minutes yet he gets second billing false advertising.
I like peoples various realizations throughout the film of what impact what they are doing might have, the guys in the garage suddenly going, oh shit weve just technically killed lots of people by doing this, really does hit home.
This is an important film, but im not sure having such huge stars works in it. It would have been better with like maybe just the cameos explaining it being the stars & then everyone else being unknowns & break through people to make it more believable like Bale Gosling etc. Thats probably why i resonated with the guys in the garage the most.
It is an okay film, i just dont think it needed to be a film, maybe more of a mini series if im honest. The message is important tho. Dont trust anyone with your fucking money.