I’m not sure many people saw this film so spoilers
Step forward another one of those films where your childhood fairy tale has grown up with you & turns all dark mysterious & evil. This one has a few more fwords than most & a bit grim. The hero’s get beaten up quiet a bit too which is unlike most.
Gemma Arterton & Jeremy Renner take on the witches from far & wide, which is good casting they do pass off for being brother & sister. They fight hard & don’t care about the consequences nothing can stop them ish. They do want to stop these witches & save the world tho, I can’t blame them for that.
The woman from xmen with the mind control thing makes a fab witch shame she been type casted as a mental crazy person who wants everyone that’s not like her gone & wants evil to rule.
Trolls & sheriff hench men are a waste of time really we knew they were all going to die at some point.
The super fan Ben is a modern fan girl but is so cool. He is just what you would want to support you. Ok a little stalker-ish but aren’t all fan girls.
Good fights & explosions, grim deaths with blood & Gore not for the faint hearten.
It’s a generic film of this genre, but when it was getting near the end I did find myself sitting there going… Is this it.
A good attempt how about next time we discover a few other things about the rest of their tales & a bit more of modernism set in the past.