Well Why the hell not, ive waited a little while to see this it needs to be the correct moment & mood & style for it & i think that is right now. Lets see if this popstar really is the real deal
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
mockumentary follows an ex boy band member Conner4real as he try’s to go solo from his band. His first album was a huge hit & it’s now the launch of his second but it fails horrifically. He & team try everything to get his career back on track including adding a support act to his tour who’s actually more popular than him. In the end his girl friend dumps him & his life spirals out of control, falling out with the one original members of the band that he was still friends with. Eventually when he realises that the bank was the only thing keeping his life on track, he gets his old band back together & they after a few things go there way are invited to go on the American music awards. Conner decides not to sing his new song but sing the bands back Catalogue with them & special guests, & the world gets back on board with him & the band & their music.
I know short synopsis, but honestly that’s roughly what happens throughout the film.
Andy Samberg is amazing as Conner. Like i laugh at funny films, but this portrayal of what a modern bratty popstar is, is on point & to a tea. Seriously i almost cry with giggles its that good & honest. Especially with that huge entourage.
The gimmicks at the gigs are mad, so are some of the song titles. I mean everyone remembers the quick change going wrong as an obvious, but the blinding people with the hat is a personal favourite of mine. I mean that would happen, you can imagine that happening at a show cant you. Also i like the fact that he just plays the music off his ipod. Thats brilliant. & then later on when hes actually doing a proper set its so much better & everyone’s kinda shocked.
I love how they fell out over a crappy award for writing a song. Thats so petty but so wonderful as well.
Hes doing farming… but its cannabis thats justa master stroke. Again some popstars do go into agriculture as they can afford all this land & a farm, but that is a stroke of genius.
The fridges & appliances playing the album at midnight & when you open them yessssssssssssssss epic gimmick. How come this hasnt happened yet in real life?
The cameos in the film are out of this world. Like you sit there & everyone just keeps turning up, especially Michael Bolton at the end for the new song & all the references made in the rest of the film during the big finale performance.
The best scene of the entire film is the proposal, where Seal gets attacked by dogs & then his fiancee run off to marry Seal. I mean who even thinks of that as being an idea for a film, let alone get everyone to agree to do that. Kudos to whoever you are who came up with that concept. You deserve a pay rise.
I just want you all to find this film, watch it & then come back & tell me it was one of the funniest 90 minutes of your film life. I know you will all adore it i do. & just remember its Style Boyz 4 life.