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Well it 2019 whoop whoop so let’s start the dvd film year off with the first film we need to watch for the film quiz A Star Wars Story Yay all my friends went (sarcastically) well I’ve already seen it so let’s see what notes we get from it shall we.

everyone’s favourite popcorn synopsis time

Han Solo is trying to escape with his girl friend Kira so they can both Be free however in there attempt to do so she is recaptured after they hand over some hyper-drive fuel for freedom. Han I order to get away joins the empire to become a pilot & get a ship. Turns out he’s not very good at following orders & after a group of rebels posing as the empire throw him into prison for failing to corporate & be a defector, he meets Chewie. The two work together to escape & the rebels pick them up after admitting there plan. After a mission leaves just Han Chewie & Becket alive with no reward to take to Beckets master they face them, only to find Hans girlfriend Kira there. They promise her boss Dryden Vos head of crimson dawn that they will replace what was lost by going straight to the source for hyper-drive fuel but they must take Kira with them & must find a ship quick enough to make the fuel safe. After being cheated out of a card game by Lando, Lando agrees to take them to the mine to collect the fuel. While there Landos droid L3-37 starts a droid revolution along with chewie freeing his fellow Wookiee’s including his partner. They recover the fuel but Lando & L3 are injured. Han takes control of the ship & completed the Kessel run in the quickest time ever 12 parsecs. This is thanks to some quick thinking of adding L3 to the ships mainframe & a sousing a black hole collapse & imperial ships. They eventually get the hyper-drive fuel to its destination to be made safe when the group they previously fought off arrive. Turns out they are the actual real rebels trying to stop Crimson dawn from taking over. Becket leaves for Han to come up with a new plan for Dryden only for when the 3 of them to arrive he has already been typed off by Becket. Turns out it was a double bluff & Becket leaves with the hyper-drive fuel, while the rebels take out crimson dawn. Han fights Dryden but it is Kira who kills him saying she will always follow Han. Han leaves & tracks down becket gets the fuel & kills him, & then returns the fuel to the rebels, who’s leader a teenage girl is the daughter of the woman Han initially gave the small hyper-drive fuel to, so he could escape. Kira however has taken over at crimson dawn now Dreyden is dead & she & Darth Maul are formulating a new plan & she leaves Han in the desert. Han eventually catches up with Landon & cheats him out of his own card game to win the millennium falcon off him as he & chewie set off to complete a job on tatooine.

The bet bit of this film is Donald Glovers Lando, im sorry it really is. He is in it for enough time to be Lando & to be cool like Donald, his capes are on point, hes a proper schemer & you dont know if you can trust him as far as you can throw him but you probably will do anything for that man, which is quite evident in the film. I love that cape wardrobe though i want one.

Alden is a good Han but lets be honest hes not Harrison Ford & i know those are big shoes to fill & if your taking on an iconic role its going to be hard, but he did even though it was his & chewies film, sometime just feel like the character was there to move the story along to the next part.

Paul Bettanys performance as Dryden is stunning. Considering that hes been nice kind Jarvis & Vision for the last 11 years to then see this & for him to go back to being really dark is really brilliant. I love this side of this acting & i really want his weapons he uses.

The train scene is still one of the coolest things that ever been made for a star wars film as a set piece, with the editing & not knowing who is getting out of it alive & the style of it & the fact that when it all fails you sit there going so now what. Its just brilliant.

I do like the fact that things do just keep going not quite to plan in this film. It really does keep you going so how are they getting out of this one. I know they always do but it still makes you think which is clever.

I dont like the fact he just happened to stumble upon Chewie basically thats the one thing that pisses me off & his Mcguffin or being able to speak Wookie straight away is bullshit.

I do like the fact that it pays you to remember the dice & the fuel & the fact he owns a tropical moon it all pays off much later in the movie. This is why you always look after your easter eggs people, some stuff is hiding in plain sight all along. the Hyper-drive was something so small tho, its easily missed at a first watch.

I know we had to have the Kessel run, but that felt like the only thing that was overly forced in the movie. Like we have to have it & get this done in this film to make it iconic but when it got to it it was like well come on then & there was just so much going on & so much stuff had happened just before it, it kinda felt like it should of been more about just the run that all the other drama going on at the same time. & that is this films huge let down. I wanted more for my 12 parsecs.

The droid revolution is cool, L3 is epic obviously duh shes an amazing droid. But there werent enough pamphlets… sorry wrong universe.

What i really want to know was how did the film look before Ron Howard got a hold of it. You can clearly (well i can anyhow) see the bits that were re-shoot or re written & edited in, the style changes & you just think ohhhh yea. How different of a film would it have been.

If this had come out before Rouge One would we have said Rouge One was crap, probably not. Rougue One isnt crap & neither is this. If only disney had waited until they did there disney plus service for this a mini series about Hans adventures probably would have been much better.

I still enjoy & like this film, but its not a go to in star wars terms & it has unfortunately in the worlds eyes become a victim of circumstance which is a huge shame.

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