Right DC so far your not hitting the ground running if im honest with your DCEU franchise. Time to see if you can salvage it with Wonder Woman, a strong female independent superhero. No pressure at all, even Pops has asked to watch you so lets do this.
synopsis time. Diana Princess of the Amazons is brought up on an island of Women Amazons & Warriors, all she wants to do is be like them. Her Aunty sees her will but her mother forbids it, eventually agreeing after spying on her daughter getting secret lessons to let her train. She ends up being the strongest & best amazon & unlocks some unnatural power. At this time a man crashes his plane onto their island, which noone from the outside world can see & brings other men with guns to the island. Diana & her Amazons & the crash plane man fight them off, but not before the leader of the amazons & Dianas aunty is killed. The amazons interrogate the man with special techniques including a rope of truth & find out he is Steve Trevor, who was running away from the Germans in the war to end all wars (world war one). Diana believe that this is the god of war Ares who is back to find the island & the ultimate weapon. She breaks Steve out of the Island & after saying goodbye to her mum the queen leaves the island forever. They arrive in London where she starts to use some of her powers to deflect builts & translate languages, to help solve codes, which some war generals are happy with. She asks Steve to take her to the war & he puts a team together of people after help from Patrick Morgan one of the war generals. They go to the trenches in france & diana makes a stand & deflects all of the fire power from the enemy’s & saves a village with her team meaning the british & french can move forward in fighting the war. It is after celebrating this triumph that she starts a relationship with Steve. They find out where a party with lots of war generals is being held & Diana goes to it in order to kill the one she believes as Ares,however instead of doing so it is revealed that no mans land the trenches & the village they liberated have now been covered in mustard gas & everyone has died. Diana blames Steve for this & leaves him & the team to go & kill Ares, which she believes she does, but the war continues which should stop if he is dead. It is then revealed that Patrick Morgan is actually Ares & the two fight. Steve & the rest of the team get tho the airfield where the fight is happening & realise they are going to cover everywhere with this Gas. Steve tells Diana he loves her but she cant hear & takes a plane with all the bombs on & explodes in mid air killing himself. Diana eventually realises she did love Steve & kills Ares in the name of love. The war then stops, proving that Diana was the weapon in the story she heard as a child. Diana now in the present is looking back at her old photos & watch which was Steve only gift to her, as she goes off to save the world as we know it today.
This is the first female lead solo super hero film in the current guise of film, & it is bloody good. There is one problem though, she does it all for love. She starts off doing it for herself & for the right reason, & in the end she does it for a man & for love… Nope sorry love thats your downfall. As much as Chris Pine is well Chris Pine, nah do it for the glory & your destiny not for love. Im so angry when films do this why cant they realise we women dont just want to do stuff to impress a men.
That being said her dress with the sword down her back seducing everyone is one hell of a scene, it really a omfg wow moment that makes you stop & go fuck me! No matter who you are if you fancy women or not you go wow. Anyone who doesnt, i think needs to get there head looked at.
There are some jokes along the way mainly at Pines expense which are good, but all with the dark tone of the film, feel a little lost or falsified at times. Just do it one of two ways DC you dont always have to try & be smart if your being gritty.
The think i currently hate most about DC & to a little extent some MCU too, it the big sky beam for the finally & the over the top CGI battle that then takes place. It’s the same every time. Which is why marvel are moving ahead as they are leaving there beam behind. It just the same every time. It bland.
That being said the reveal of her outfit in the trenches in the war is stunning & just wow & its worth the hours wait for the revel that she is who she is. It is a bit much that she just basically does take everyone out & noone actually really does put up a fight, but it is so cool & stylish & is one of those moments when you sit there & watch it that you go oh yes bitch nail the bastards.
Some of the side experiment bits were cool & a little creepy, i can imagine kids hiding from that, its a little full on. However the fact thats all just a side bit to the main part of the film does make me go oh man really i wasted so much of my time on the baddie & his nature & it was a huge swerve. No film dont put that much effort into it to have it be pointless.
I think it could of dealt with PTSD a little more than it did. Okay at the time people were just like oh they are in shock, but we are now in 2010’s. We can show more compassion for that, especially as this is her flashback of sorts from the modern day. We could of seen that much more than what it was in the film.
Apart from Chris Pine (obviously any film with Chris Pine in it hes the best part of it & hes doesnt make a bad film) Lucy Davies was the star of this film as his secretary, i loved her lines & how normal she was compared to us the viewers. It was the voice of reason you needed in the madness.
I wanted a few more battles & fights in this film than what we got, i know we had a back story to fill & get through but, a bit more action in would of been nice.
I’m not denying that this a good film, probably one of the best DC films since the Nolan Dark Knight films, which changed the game for not just superheros & DC but all films, but this does has some moments of oh are we still going down that route. DC have something here which is quite special, i just hope they can nurture it well & make sure we dont just make Wonder Woman films for the sake of it.