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I’ll be there…. ILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BEEEEEEEEEEEE THEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE slow mo run look cool & try & be the rock. Yep they have remade baywatch & i am not ashamed to say its fucking epic i know its corny & odd & a little bit shit but its perfect in my opinion. It knows where it should be & its sits there proudly.

Synopsis time for you all ( i know you like these)

Mitch is head life guard for Baywatch with his team CJ & Stephanie who save peoples life on the beach, & he is kind of deemed as a cult hero & celebrity in the area. They are looking for new recruits this summer & hold a tryout day where he is asked by his boss to hire Matt Brody disgraced olympic swimmer who let the USA relay team down after partying to much after his own Gold Medal wins. He is eventually recruited by the team after a series of try out which make Mitch prove he is the stronger man, but after an accident on a pier he runs off with the rest of the team to save them. Recruited as well is Ronnie who is a tech guy but has tried out each year on the team as he fancies CJ & Summer who everyone wants to be on the team, especially Matt as he fancies her.
They soon discover there are some drugs on the beach which leads them to a boat fire with a man dead on the boat. They work out after meeting the new hotel owner that the drugs maybe coming from there so crash a party they hold, only for Matt to get very drunk with the owner & disgrace himself. He is almost kicked off the team but apologise saying he always feel he is letting someone down. He then mentions something about the dead guy on the boat, which turns out is another clue back to the drugs. They break into a morgue to get info only for them to be found out by the bad guys & have a fight in the morgue, on the bay & in a childs bedroom. The head of baywatch as their is no evidence lets the bad guys go. This only makes Mitch angry.
Mitch & Matt then find the drugs only for another body to turn up on the beach. Mitch is fired for not doing his job properly & the head puts Matt in charge something that the hotel owner wants as she eventually wants the beach to be private. Matt then takes what he has learnt from Mitch & he Ronnie & Summer start investigating this & work out thanks to Ronnies Computer skills that come the end of the day the beach will become private land. They go to a boat party to find the drugs & try & let Mitch know. Mitch is now working for a phone company & is visited by the original Mitch to say buck your ideas up you are the sea, go save your friends. While finding the drugs so Matt is thrown in a shark cage in the bay only for Mitch to come & save him. The bad guy try to escape, but Mitch & Matt catch them up on a firework rig. using Ronnies computer skills they set off all the fire works & kill the bad guys on the rig, not before they confess that that the head of baywatch was in on thi the whole time. Mitch & Matt escape & provide evidence to fire their boss. Matt gains Mitch respect, Mitch is put back in charge & Summer Matt & Ronnie all become full time members of Baywatch thanks to Mitch & their new boss the original CJ. Also Ronnie finally gets with his CJ & Summer starts to date Matt.

I know its corny, but i loved the fact that the Hoff & Anderson were both in this film all be it for all of 2 minutes each including Pam doing super duper slow mo, but surely thats the point. We wanted it to refer to the original & have nods to the past. When they are referenced or appear you jut go oh yeah.

Thats not to say they take away from the rest of the Cast Johnson & Efrons relationship is really really good, & has real chemistry. Its proper double act that you can see that if they continued to do these they would carry this on for a long long time. It just works. Best line is when he calls Efron High School Musical. I always cry with laughter when i hear that come out of the rocks mouth.

Efron in Drag is stunning too, he look cuter than when i put the effort in to actually look girly & thats saying a lot as i when i do put the effort in really do put the effort in.

When Ronnie gets his dick stuck earlier on in the film is hilarious & sets you all up for the rest of the film. You know which tones your getting but you also know its coming from a good place too. You know you are about to smile the entire way through this film. Thats continued with the fight in the babys room & the firework display at the end. Death by fireworks what a away to go.

I love that sand sculpture of the rock as well someone actually did have to make that, so kudos to them for that. That was no mean feat.

When Ronnie orders a salad because hes a little bit larger than the rest fo them & then the rest of them all order fast food & really unhealthy stuff & hes just like say what, hows thats the case, thats funny. It is fat shaming because hes not built like the rest of them with muscles or super skinny, but its good that hes normal like everyone else if you get me.

The boat rescues are all pretty cool too, & the one which gets Brody his job at the start. They are all action filled & stunning. & obviously Efron doing the assault course. I think i had a couple of friends go completely weak at the knees when they saw that for the first time. It is one hell of a sight.

Your the tech guy say it… Im the mother fucking Tech guy, what a line.

Shame the bad girl is a bit crap, the Hench men are more entertaining. thats the films main downfall.

I love little mitch in his fish tank & that when he gets fired he changes him into the phone worker guy in the tank & hes all sad. Also when hes in the shop he is in his uniform which has long socks & then his flip flops hehehehehe.

Its got so many funny bits. also bits which you forget about then come back round again. Like him throwing his medal as it means nothing & they go well you still have one & then giving it back to him at the end & him going how & they go you only threw it 10 feet.

Also you have to remember the sand snatchers with the bag & the bites & the earlier information to work out where everything is going.

It does have the cool line of Jason Bourne aint got shit on me, thats brilliant, especially as im a huge Bourne girl.

Basically if you want a bloody good laugh which still has nostalgia but a film which is modern & true to the original, you cant go wrong with this film. Cheers people, now lets move onto the next one in super slow mo.

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