Get your cloaks people were back to the magical world of Harry Potter hehe. Yes back to the films that we love, except this one its the one i dont like im sorry but you know we can get to that bit in a second.
You all know Harry by now if not hes a wizard & the chosen one, problem is dementors & images of cedric death are causing him nightmares. Dementors are sent to kill him & his cousin, so Harry saves them. Unfortunately the ministry want Harry gone so expel him. Harry with the help from the Order of the Phoenix & The Weasleys & Hermione manage to get to Sirius Blacks house & get Harry back into school. Upon starting School again one of the ministers Umbridge has been appointed a teacher at Hogwarts, who picks on Harry & makes him write lines for her with a torture spell which carves the message into his hand. Ron & Hermione decide that Harry is telling the truth & with other students including Luna & Neville set up a secret club to battle against voldemeort. Harry reconnects with Cho & finally kisses her. Harry however is conflicted, as his memorys link to voldemort & he sees Mr Wealsey be attacked he warns Dumbledore & Ron of this. Dumbledore has been avoiding Harry all year to stop Voldemort getting to close to the two of them so leaves him to snape to help him out. With Mr Weasley now safe, Harry confides in Sirius about this who says that the war is coming as it did before.
Eventually Harrys secret club is found out about after Cho is tortured to give the information & they are then all punished. Dumbledore escapes the school with Fawkes after being sentenced to azkaban prison, which is being attacked & various death eaters have escaped including Sirius cousin Bellatrix. Whilst sitting their year end exams which are interrupted by Fred & George Wealsey epic firework prank, Harry has another vision of Sirius who is being tortured by voldemort. Harry tries to get to him but is stopped by Umbridge. They try to warn snape, but after Harry earlier got into Snapes mind & saw how his dad bullied him, he seems to refuse to help. After trapping Umbridge Harry Ron Hermione Luna Neville & Ginny go to the ministry of magic to try & save Sirius. Turns out hes not there but the prophecy about voldemort & the choose one is Harry retrieves this only for Lucious Malfoy (hello to Jason Isacs) to arrive with other death eaters. Eventually the death eaters, kids & order of the phoenix fight each other, but just as Harry is reconciling with Sirius Bellatrix kills him. Harry then runs after her in rage that his only family is now dead, but its too late to realise its a trap set by Voldemort. Voldemort & Dumbledore fight only for Voldemort to get into Harrys head, however Harry uses love to prove that Voldemort is weak. Voldemort is about to kill Harry when the ministers arrive, proving Harry was right all along. Harry eventually goes back to school to complete his owls & Dumbledore apologises revealing that either Harry or Voldemort must die as they cant both survive the final battle. Harry then realises that its not going to be their fighting & spell that destroys voldemort, but its going to be their friendship & love as thats stronger than any spell that comes out of their wand & that in itself is something worth fighting for.
The reason this is my least favourite Potter film is because the book is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than this film especially with the original howler Harry receives, the focus on Quiditch which is kind of mulled over a little in this film & exactly what they get up to in the ministry & all the other mystery’s. & that makes me sad. There are chapters in this book that i read so quickly & thoroughly whenever i read it that i feel like i am there & some of those chapters arent covered properly by this film & that makes me very sad. I am the person who will sit in the cinema or watch the DVD for the 4 hour run time to make sure the story is told correctly.
Another reason why i dont like this film (this is the same for the book as well) is that i worked out long before this one that Neville was the chosen one so when its basically revealed in this one i kinda go why are you tellign us now, wait to the end of the storys or books or films to tell us this, to make those who didnt realise go of course he is the chosen one. It really winds me up.
Imelda Staunton is a really lovely person in real life & so sweet & you just want to give her a cup of tea & be nice to her. In this film i really want to punch her in the face & tell her to fuck off. Seriously she is bloody good as the villain of the film. She really makes your skin crawl.
Flich gets a good side kick role in this one he really does. I like the fact that you see him do alot more & that he is basically Umbridges bitch for the film, but hes loving it. What a character development in a fun way.
Not Enough Isaac, Carter or Rickman in this film either. All 3 do have a bit in the book but im glad they were still there. I wish we could of seen more of Snapes memories that Harry breaks into, its kind of a blink & you miss it film moment here.
Gary Oldman could act out of a plastic bag & show everyone else in this film up. I like the fact that he is all chatty & like yea yea & then dead. Its a good way to show people that life can be absolutely fine & then in one second your world be turned upside down & for someone you love to be gone in a blink of an eye. It tells us all we should all appreciate everyone a bit more.
Luna is good to be introduced here, however i do feel that we should of heard from her in another film or book before hand. How had Hermione been the only person who knew who she was. Her quirkiness is fabulous too & just heart warming especially when on her way to Dumbledores Army or at the end when shes trying to find her shoes.
How shit are all those death eater that they couldnt take out or at least properly trap a bunch of 15/16 year olds until right at the end. They are bad people youd think voldemort would have got better wizards to do his bidding.
I always when we go to Sirius house feel like they though well weve got to include the bits here as its important later on, but it never feels like its key to the story at any point in the film which it should be its a safe haven for them.
The Harry Cho kiss is a huge moment in cinema, but the way they deal with the rest of the relationship & how it unravels is a bit of a let down if im honest. We should of gone deeper into it & made it worth much more of a while that just using it to get to the kiss.
Im being to hard on this film i know. It is still a bloody good film, but it is the worse out of all the Potter Films & is the one i sit there to watch going i have to watch this, to get to the pay off at the end, which is a shame really.
It just doesnt stand up to the epicness of the rest of them. Still love the wizarding world though.