0 6 mins 6 yrs


Time to do some home work before the next one of these comes out in the cinema. I’ve always been interested & seen bit of them all but never sat down to watch one in full so i’ve got a few weeks we can do this people we can get the Death Cure in time (note to self we did just).

Basic analogy group of kids young adults are in a maze trying to get out when Thomas arrives. After initial bullying & s couple of close calls he brakes the rules & goes into the maze when he isnt meant to to save a friend. Noone ever survives a night in the maze, until that night. Hes saves his injured friend, his healthy friend & defeats a Griever who guard the maze. When they return alive, he is punished for breaking the rules & then made a runner. A girl then arrives who knows Thomas, & lets him know there is more going on here. The Grievers then attack the camp & kill some of the boys & then the camp decide to brake out of the maze using Thomas’ knowledge, the runners know how & there new weapon. They escape, to then only be caught up by Gally the boy who hates Thomas who attempts to kill him but kills someone else as well, & is then killed. The survivors are told they are part of a cure & something much more that just apart of the maze. They are taken to saftey as some powerful woman who seemly 2 minutes ago faked her death explains to the audience only not the survivors that phase 2 can begin.

That wasnt very basic sorry.

First of all this came out when all of the young adult you are special you will save the world make millennial’s feel special films came out. Which is why this kind of went by the way side a little for me. As a convert to my MockingJay, this wasnt high on my radar at the time. That being said, i now wish i had know about it sooner & that kids need to read these & watch the films for an education.

Right Dylan O’Brian is okay in this one he is a much better actor now then he was when he made this. He’s still bloody good but there are much better performances in this film than his.

For example Will Poulter as Gally is just inspired it truly is. You really don’t want to trust him & are so happy when you see him get his comeuppance at the end. He has some valid points for his actions but some go a little to far. & that is why he is a bloody good actor.

I really struggle to believe that all of those boys had been in a maze for so long without a girl they wouldn’t have all just started flirting with her when she arrives & gains conscious. She’s a really bad actress by the way she’s not improved at all she’s still as sodden now as she was then. No passion no joy. It’s like it’s a 9 to 5 for her but she’s an actress.

Those machine monsters are scary in the dark but in the light less so making that final escape from the maze not as scary. & also how did they know that the code they had worked out would get them out. What if the patterns started before they realised there was one. That’s bloody convenient isn’t it.

We also have the issue that they hadn’t ever tried to properly send someone into the maze at night before just to get info you never know. They could have all been fine & just taken away.

Also why did putting kids in the glade help them… anyone especially if you do want them to escape. That doesn’t make sense does it. If you want them to escape make it easier.

Fake deaths of adults & authority figures is just bullshite in these films. We’re all past this twist now just get on with it peoples. Did the kids need to know all of that for more trauma to them it’s not worth it.

I know they did t actually build that maze but it is bloody impressive. Even if they just built 1 section & repeated it, it’s still brilliant.

Over all I actually really enjoyed this. It was good escape Ian but with all these films so many questions which I will need answering in 2 so I’m not going to ask them here. Hopefully they will be included in the next one.

One down two to go.

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