Happy Christmas & Boxing day my lovelies. Did we all have a nice time? We’ve just got rid of the last few family members & now were flicking the channels. Mama Popcorn is now looking very smug as we had a mini bet as to what Skys Premier would be Christmas day & i got it wrong as for the first time in 5 years its not Marvel thats boxing day. As much as beauty & the beast is good its not Groot is it. So weve decided to go get my DVD down to watch Guardians on there. I’ve got my tissues ready to cry at the end so lets do this people.
So brief synopsis, if you live under a rock or on planet Knowhere… The Guardians are employed to protect some batteries but Rocket ends up steeling them & they are chased away by these people. They are saved by a small man on an actual Rocket (not the Raccoon) & turns out this guy is called Ego & is Peters Dad & he is basically the creator of all thing & life & Peter has inherited his genes. He also has Mantis as a helper to solve his problems. While Peter is getting to know about his past Rocket is left in charge of mending Peters ship & guarding Nebula with Baby Groot, when Yondu whos been discharged by the Ravagers code for disobeying the code, go to hunt them down. When he sees profit in i,t a mutiny happens & anyone against that is killed. Groot ends up saving Yondu & Rocket with the help of Kraglin & end the mutiny & escape to go & get Peter back. Peter & Gamora have now fallen out over his Dad & Gamora is confronted by Nebula who says all she ever wanted was a sister. They stumble across Egos true meaning of life which is to destroy it all. They work this out just as Drax is told this by Mantis & Peter learns he has the power to do this. This ends up with a huge fight between Ego & all 6 guardians including Yondu & also against the people they stole the batteries from. Groot ends up blowing up the planet with a self made bomb.The guardians all escape in one piece-ish except Peter, who is rescued by Yondu,who sacrifices himself for Peter saying that Ego may have been his biological father, but he wasnt his Daddy. Gamora & Nebula make up & Nebula goes off to find Thanos. Rocket informs the Ravagers of Yondus heroics & he gets the Ravager Funeral under the fireworks they all receive. Peter & Gamora admit there is more the their relationship than they actually both admit. & then you get end credit carnage.
This is the first ever MCU film i properly cried at like so much. Mama actually cries at it because i cry at it, she knows how much it affects me. Its Yondu. When Yondu dies & tells Peter about being his real daddy that get me & then the small funeral they hold for him. Then Nebula & Gamora saying that they will always love each other & be there for the other after all they are sisters. & then father & son playing as the Ravager Funeral happens & Kraglin being passed on Yondu fin. & then finally the look on Rockets face as he actually cares & that single tear drops down his face. Just writing all of that has set me off, im crying here typing. I think any film that has an emotional impact like that to you when you mention it & gets you in the feels or hits a cord is worth shouting from the hills about. So thank you Guardians for doing that. Its just a beautiful last 10 minutes. Its just beautiful.
& then whats brilliant is that the end credits are so epic too, that you finish watching it in a very happy place even after that gut punch. I mean 5 end credit scenes are very cool & then you’ve got the random shit going on in the background of it all. I just love that half the words on it start off as I AM GROOT & then change into the correct thing. Also did you spot Jeff Goldblum in the post credits… see your going to go back & watch it now. Hes in there as the grand-master.
Opening Credits are epic too, which is while the Guardians fight the weird shark thing for the batteries, but your not bothered about that, your too busy watching the adorable Baby Groot dance to Mr Blue Sky. Its amazing, just seriously one of the coolest opening credits ever. Deadpool rivals it & thats about it really. Its just brilliant.
Baby Groot does steel the show, hes so cute so so cute. Just the perfect little piece of tree. His little dance, eating sweets, being the mascot being covered in bear, chopping off that toe & him asleep in Drax’s arms at the end. So cute. Best bit is when Rocket is trying to explain the bomb to him & he goes i am groot i am groot i am groot much to rockets dis-pear. Its brilliant. Two characters that dont actually exists in the real world are having such a heated argument that you want to put your hands through the screen & tell them to sort it out, the universe is at stake here.
Oh some of the Cameo are brilliant. The Hoff obviously is brilliant, what an amazing surprise. hes in the end credits too, but its just so cool when he turns up. & Stallone too haha that was brilliant too. Hes in it for about 5 minutes in total but im sure hes going to pop up again in volume 3.
I have also always said there got to be more to Stan Lees cameos than just being in the MCU & this confirmed it. Hes a watcher. He observes everything & everyone keeping an eye on us all. I knew it i always said he was more than just Stan Lee.
The music as always is epic. My heart did sink when Ego crushed Peters cassette like no you evil bastard I was kinda on this side a little until that point but nah he lost me then. & then you find out he was the one who killed Peters mum… no no no its over mate no more fuck off & die. You’ve crossed the line.
Drax & Mantis are a brilliant double act. If they needed up going on there own adventures without the rest of the guardians i would happily buy into that. They love each other but they dont, theres trust there a true honest trust.
Why did Ego want to kill us all? I didnt really get that. His plan is clever but couldnt he just create more planets like him with this new child to save the universe rather than destroy it all. Nah dont get it mate. At least Thanos wants the majority of us dead for a reason.
Its just a stunning Marvel film. I will watch this film over & over again, if i didnt have so many to still watch. Its a perfect film. It makes you laugh cry sigh feel shocked & delivers on action scifi romance & comedy. What more could you want. JAMES GUNN THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR THIS. Bring on Volume three.
To quote the Hoff, sometimes we all need to be a little more I AM GROOT.