Best watch it before the new One comes out on Friday I guess. Yep I didn’t see the first One when it came out a couple of years ago I apologise for that & then never got around to it on sky cinema. So now that I want to watch it & have no Netflix & it’s not on sky cinema on demand I went & spent some of my birthday money on it. & thank god I did. Im the queen of doing this this year i really am. I should have looked in advance at when films were out & prepped myself in time for it, not leave it till the night before ish. Oh well at least it will be fresh in my mind. Mama Popcorn is ready & so am i lets do this little bear.
So synopsis as always. After tragedy hits a bear family in Peru, there little cub & nephew Paddington goes to London to find a new family, with a romanced idea that this will just happen. They have this idea, as back in the 50s ish an English explorer who met the bears told then they would always be welcome & have a home in the UK. So off he goes & he is taken in by the Browns for one night at Paddington station. They try to help him find out who the explorer is that found them years ago, but after a couple of catastrophes & fall outs, Paddington heads out to find the explorer finding his daughter who is a taxidermist & wants to set right her fathers reputation & stuff Paddington to display him. The Browns find this out, & end up going to save Paddington & frame the bad guys. Paddington then moves in with the Browns & becomes part of the family.
& if thats not a sweet enough story for you to want to watch this, then maybe the rest of the review will persuade you. But seriously i would go watch it first people & then come back to my typing, as i may not do it justice.
Ben Whishaw is the perfect voice for Paddington. Its just so sweet & full of mischief but also love. Thats what makes Ben a brilliant actor as Q in Bond, & as Paddington, its a reliable loving coated tone & you just want to support that character, but am always slightly worried.
The rest of the cast are absolutely brilliant. Hugh Bonneville is always just fabulous. He always is. I’ve always loved his work & the fact he put on the olympics & runs the BBC & acts is brilliant (if you dont get that you’ve not been here long enough). But you know Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Nicole Kidman, Peter Capaldi has all of 10 lines. Even his Aunt & Uncle are Imelda Staunton & Michael Gambon. You know they are both in it for literally 5 minutes but those are your voices of the bears. Its not shit is it. Also those kids who are the browns im sure will grow into being properly good actors wont they. Its just a joyfull cast to watch, its in safe hands.
Why marmalade? I’ve never got that about Paddington ever… it just seems odd. I do like the fact that All bears carry a marmalade sandwich in case of emergency. & it is of course hilarious that a All the pigeons follow him round as they know he has one & b that the guards man at the palace has a flask cakes & sarnie in his that brilliant. That makes every British child just go I fucking knew it(just less swearing as they are kids) but you get the idea.
The bathroom freshen up scene is brilliant especially when he is in that tub just floating around. & I love the fact Mr Brown is on the phone desperately trying to get house insurance for a bear before he opens the door. This is then followed by the lovely scene later on where he’s in the bathroom & they freshen him up & give him the coat & everything. Proving that he is a family member.
I love the fact that everyone uses there skills for the big escape at the end to save Paddington. The Mum & daughter mend their bond, the boy uses his science information & Mr Brown goes on a mad adventure to become a hero of sorts oh & mrs bird getting pissed too brilliant. Although I recon Julie Walters nailed that anyhow. She even save the day.
The even run down dippy the dinosaur in the natural history museum. That’s quite cool. Dippy of course has now left the museum which is sad.
When they are in the geography institute is just brilliant. He’s dressed up as a woman, he get hit on, they jam there system with a jam baggett. It really is a thing of joy.
I love all the terms for rain throughout the film. It’s true we do have 107 ways of talking about the rain & even more for the rest of the weather. You can’t just say that it’s raining in the uk, you really can’t.
I like the fact he doesn’t sleep in his bed in the attic & prefers the beams as he is a bear. That’s really clever & cute. & all those fairy lights at the end too as it Christmas.
I hate the fact that British films it always has it snowing in London at Christmas for the 5millionth time THAT DOESNT HAPPEN!!!!!! We had to have a beast from the east to make it snow in London & then the whole country stopped working. It’s not just moaning at this film it’s all films. Just stop it. At least make it slush & not layable snow.
It’s just a really sweet & lovely film & if your heart isn’t warmed by this then you are dead inside. Good morals for the kids. Brilliant story for your teens. & parents will come away going yea that was really fun that wasn’t a waist of our time & money. Bring on Friday Little bear, show me what you’ve got next.