Who’d of thought over a year later after seeing this with my first points on my premier card that I would have seen so many films. Without that card & this film I’d have never thought about purchasing limitless & I wouldn’t have seen nearly every Oscar nominated film for this year.
So I haven’t seen the theory of everything yet & im sure Eddie is outstanding in it & im looking forward to seeing it, but I think he should have won an oscar for this performance. He just rocks his socks off as two different characters & anyone how can look better as a woman than me deserves kudos. This is nothing against Leo by the way his performance was brilliant & im a founding member of the justice for Leo fan club. But Eddie pushed him bloody close.
This isn’t to say the Alicia didn’t deserve hers she completely did it’s her masterpiece & if she ever beats it I want to go & see it nothing she will ever do will match this it’s perfect. Her emotions are just heart breaking let beautiful.
As i have previously mentioned when talking about this film there is this one point which get me right in the feels & when i watch this film back i always now go no you’ll be fine when this bit happens its okay & then fall apart into an emotional wreck. It the point when she decides maybe one more doctor could help, and he agrees to see him. He explains that he believes he should be a woman & hes trapped in a mans body. The doctor asks if he truly believed this & he says yes, and then she say & i believe him & support him to, & she just looks at him & grabbs his hand for reassurance. And for that brief second this isnt acting anymore its real life & i fall apart. Its just so perfect, it is one of the most stunning moments of cinema ever to be seen, and im shaking typing about it. Its that perfect.
Then there are the two scarf moment which as you’ve already cried you cry again at, especially at the end when it flys off her shoulder when there at the scene of the paintings. You really do need to compose yourself quickly after that one
Whoever actually did do those painting in the film, real fake whoever it was they are all so brilliant. They really are beautiful, every single last one.
How did noone except Ben (who was epic as well by the way again to many good performances in this film) not recognise who she was originally? How stupid where they seriously. The most celebrated painter & you cant tell its him in drag.
When s/he dies its so bitter sweet, because she still is completely in love with him & her & its just gut wrenching that her love just couldn’t save her in the end.
Its to emotional to type about now sorry you do need to see this movie people you really do, just make sure you have a fuck load of tissues for crying. Its truly beautiful & nothing anyone in this film will ever do will equal this.